James x Reader- Confident

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  Requested by xX-May_The_Angel-Xx , even tho it's short I hope you enjoy it fam! And I guess this kinda counts as your Christmas present huh?

You had a different reason for joining Team Rocket than everyone else. You believed that some people didn't deserve pokemon and others did. You were a Robin Hood sort of character, but because you had morals you were assigned to the lowest group in your organization. Your job was to explore new regions and catch new pokemon all the while trying to topple the organizations that already existed there. You remember Jessie and James from the academy (yes you had an academy, and yes it sucked), Jessie was constantly trying to be with the popular girls and whenever she was gone they would make remarks behind her back. You knew there was no reasoning with girls like Jessie so you didn't bother talking to her. Instead you were kinda in the corner, reading your textbooks and getting ahead of your schoolwork. James, also being a lonely kid, you both kinda gravitated towards each other. James was more of a music listener who peeked at your books every once in awhile but didn't really say anything. You were fine with it, but sometimes you just wanted to say something to the little purple-haired sorta-emo. But being the introvert you were you always chickened out at the last minute and the times you hung out continued to remain silent. The only friend you really had besides James was Chimchar, your partner and best buddy. You didn't really let them come out of their pokeball during your cadet days. Though you did when you had more time off and you were able to go in the woods surrounding the campus more often. When you first got into the group with them you were surprised how much they changed (every cadet was given two months off for free-range training before being assigned), especially James. He seemed more open and happier than the smol emo child you remember. Though it seemed like he totally forgot you, but then again it was 2 months, you tried not to let it get to you.


"Do you have a name or should I call you mine?" James asks, a hand over his heart and a twinkle in his eye, *slap*.

"Aww man, what was wrong with that one?" James questions, rubbing his cheek from where you slapped him.

"Sounded too douchey"
"...that's what you say about all of them..." James pouts, sitting on the log with you, he was still rubbing his cheek.

"Oh come on! I didn't hit you that hard! Your such a wimp! Besides, you were the one who came to me for help, remember?" James' pout deepened at your remark. Though what you said was true, he did express wanting a girlfriend to you and asked you for help on how to get one (I mean he is a wimp too...). So here you were, practicing pickup lines while it was Jessie's turn to get lunch and Meowth went with her to make sure she didn't eat all of it.

"Not all of them, just most of them, can you not use the cheesy ones you obviously got from the internet?" You question, already seeing James looking up cheesy pickup lines on his phone. He quickly realized that you caught him and shoved the phone in his pocket.

"Shut up! This stuff is really hard you know!"
"So you say, but it really isn't. You just gotta be confident dude."
"Confident huh?"
"Yeah, shouldn't be so hard for someone with such a big head"
"Nooo! That's the thing I'm sensitive about!" You laughed as James covered his head with his arms.

"Dude I'm joking! You don't actually have a big head, if anyone does it's Jessie!" You laugh, James laughed a little too before looking up and seeing your current topic of conversation.
"You little...what did you say?!" You stopped laughing, realizing that Jessie heard it, and looked pissed.

"A...aha...hey Jessie...h...how're ya...?" You question with a sweatdrop, knowing very well how much trouble you were in. You then ran off the log and Jessie began chasing you as you begged for mercy and apologized a million times.

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