Acnologia x Reader Soulmate AU- Markings

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This oneshot was brought to you early by procrastination, writer's block and the same scenes running through my head for months on end 

This was requested by Storm_UchihaXXX, hope I got Acnologia's personality right fam (also as background it starts right after the Tartaros arc and ends with that after credit scene from Dragon Cry, enjoy!)

All Acnologia remembered after the fight was crashing, turning human, stumbling around and going unconscious. He didn't mind falling asleep in the middle of the woods, he was far enough away that humans won't bother him and animals had enough sense to stay away from him. Or at least, that's what he thought.


Acnologia woke up, feeling the aftereffects of loosing his arm. He brushed back his cloak to see that the stump that was there, it was covered in bandages. He also saw a bowl of fruits and a bowl of water nearby. The hell...he smelled someone here, someone who smelled like dirt and sky at the same time, but he saw no one.

"Dragon wing attack!" The magic attack destroyed the trees and a figure jumped out of the way.

"Jeez dude! I just saved your life! The hell is that for!?" They yell, the hood of a black cloak falling down as the figure was revealed.

"Why were you hiding?" Acnologia demands, every muscle on edge, just because he lost his arm didn't mean he couldn't defend himself from a weak human.

"I wasn't hiding! I was just testing my invisibility cloak that's all..." you pout, playing with the fabric.

"You would think that with all this magic there would be more of these things, but nope! Your looking at the only person in the world with an invisibility cloak!" You grin, your (E/C) eyes shining with pride. But he didn't care about that. Acnologia walked towards you and grabbed you by your cloak with his one arm while sneering in your face.
"Where did you get those markings?" He questions you, his sharp gaze glaring into your soul.

"Wow your strong, I mean I don't weigh a lot but you did just loose your arm and your still able to lift me off the ground-"
"Those markings, where did you get them?!" He demands.

"I was born with them...??? I got abandoned because of these things" you answer like you were telling him where a very obvious location is and adding that the bathrooms suck at the end.

" you know what they mean? Can you tell me? Please!" You beg, holding onto his wrist as you tried your best puppy eyes against his unflinching glare. He 'tched' before throwing you to the ground.
"Like I would tell a weakling like you what they mean, just go hide in one of your pathetic towns" he turned and began to walk away.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a Sound Demon Slayer! And a poweful one too! I could totally beat you in a fight!" You add, dusting yourself off.

"Ok then, prove it" he stopped and turned slightly, you grinned getting the silent message of battle as your neck grew a patch of dark lavender that steadily began to grow. (I don't know how demon slayer magic works so I'm just gonna write is as I think it should go).

"Ok then, how about this? Sound Demon's Rage!" A high-pitched, piercing scream took place and Acnologia physically had to put his hand to his ear to keep his ears from bleeding out. You took this as your chance to run forward, Acnologia quickly realized what you were doing and flipped in the air, getting on his hand.
"Dragon Talon" he began spinning, becoming a spinning top of death. You managed to dodge the first wave of magic power but missed the second and crashed into like, twenty trees.

"This is why I hate humans, they bark more than they bite" Acnologia spoke, turning on his heel, you appeared from out of nowhere and immediately latched onto the back of the dragonslayer, your knife held against his throat. The patch of lavender began to retreat into your mark.
"I win" you grin, making sure to say it by his ear so he heard it clearly. You felt him stiffen and you could immediately tell that he was pissed.

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