Lightning x reader

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This was requested by KatyBird98, hope you enjoy!

You and the Titans just finished defeating Plasmus, again. And everyone had some level of gunk on them, especially you because you did most of the fighting. Not because your teammates were weak you were just more...durable? If that was the right word. You were also very stubborn so whenever he knocked you down you got right back up to try to deliver hell. Keyword: tried.
"I'm gonna go wash off, this slime smells like sewer crap mixed with wet dog and hot trash" you scrunch your nose at the smell of yourself.
"Come on (Y/N), I'm sure it isn't that bad" Starfire reassures you, she tried getting close but the stench was so powerful she couldn't get through it without choking because of a lack of air.

"Yeah, that's worse than Beast Boy's b.o on No Shower Saturdays" Raven comments.

"Hey! Saturday's are sacred to me"
"More like lazy, all you do is sit in your pjs and play videogames, not to mention you scarf down all the food in the Tower." Raven comments.

"Ok you guys, I'm going to go take a shower to relieve all of your noses of this grossness, see you in a bit." You waved before you got caught up in another Raven v. Beast Boy argument.


"Thunder! Where are you!?" Lightning shouts, wondering where his brother was this time. He looked in every room that he knew wasn't a team members'. He stumbled upon a door that showed a figure with a superhero cape with a shower head above it.

"Hmm, what is this some kind of costume cleaning room?" Lightning wondered before deciding his brother must be in there.

"Thunder! Are you in here!?" He slammed the door against the wall, the noise caused the figure to turn around. (E/C) eyes. Wet, (H/L), (H/C) hair. The two just stared at each other, with the baggy clothes (Y/N) wore all the time Lightning didn't know about all of the curves she had with the towel around her that hugged her wet body. (Y/N) snapped out of the daze she was in.

"Lightning, what the hell are you doing in here!" She asks with a red face and trying to use her towel to cover up more, but it was only making Lightning feeling more attracted to her.

"Looking for Thunder, I announced it when I came in, what are you doing in here!" He demands.

"Taking a shower, in the girl's bathroom, didn't you see the sign?!"
"Yes, but-"
"Out! Out!" She began throwing things at him and he ran out and down the hall, hearing the door shut.

"Note to self, girl signs for bathrooms are not guys wearing capes in the Tower or anywhere else" Lightning mutters, taking out a notepad and jotting it down along with all the other earth etiquette he's learned while being with the Titans. She didn't have to be so mean about it, she could've killed me! Lightning thought, becoming increasingly annoyed with you by the second. He entered the lobby only to find Thunder being taught how to play videogames by Beast Boy. Lightning face palmed.


You walked down to the lobby, seeing Lightning in the corner. He just looked at you before doing a 'tch' and turning his head away. That jerk! Doesn't he know he's not supposed to be in there!? What if I was naked! You angrily thought, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Oh man! How did you get all that goo off you?! It's like you didn't even get attacked by Plasmus in the first place, you even got it out of your hair!" Beast Boy shouts in amazement.

"I was just thorough, I didn't just rinse myself off and turned to a cat to lick the rest off" you answer with a smirk. Beast Boy blanked.
"I don't do that!"
"I can smell it on your breath dude, take a mint next time you don't wanna take a shower"
"You have no clue how gross that stuff tastes though, I had to brush my teeth three times before I started tasting the mint" Beast Boy answers.
"So you don't deny it?"
"Hey, I own up to my grossness, I see it as a gift that must be used" he answers. Sitting next to you.
"Dude! Your breath still stinks, go get a tic tac or something seriously" you put a hand over your nose.

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