Natsu x Gray's Sister! Reader- Hot n' Cold

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Requested by Fangirl_cupcake101, srry it took so long to get out a requested oneshot guys, hope the wait was worth it

You watched your sword necklace carefully as you navigated through the streets of Magnolia, your heart beating louder as the necklace around your neck began to glow brighter and lift off your hand higher.

He's close, he has to be...or whoever has his necklace- no! I can't think that! I'm so close, this has to be him! You convinced yourself as your eyebrows knit in thought. You noticed a shadow cover the ground and looked up, seeing the building you were looking for. You lost focus of your necklace as you searched for your notepad, reviewing the information you saw on that Sorcerer Weekly Magazine.
'Gray Fullbuster = Fairy Tail = Magnolia'

You really hoped the information wasn't wrong, you focused back on your necklace, your face quickly becoming shocked. Your necklace was still floating without your hand at the same elevation.

He's close, he has to be you opened the door and entered the guild, closing it politely behind you. You scanned the crowd, desperately searching for that familiar head of navy blue that you haven't seen since Deliora.

"C'mon....c'mon....please be here...please..." you begged quietly as you looked around, clutching your sword necklace.

"Excuse me? Is there something wrong? Are you looking for someone specific?" You almost immediately recognized Mira from the numerous covers she's been on. Her blue eyes seemed sympathetic, widening slightly at your dark blue irises.

" you seen him?" You ask shakily, finding yourself on the edge of a panic attack, you couldn't see him. The money you used to get here, wasted.

"Yeah...he should be here...follow me, we'll look for him together alright?" Mira asks you gently, you nodded in agreement and she took your hand in hers, leading you through the large and boisterous area. You were used to country and rural areas so the noise was a little much but you didn't notice that at the moment, you were still looking for your brother's navy blue hair.

"There they are" you looked up and saw a table full of people, four girls, two human-like cats and two guys. Your eyes widened at the guy with dark blue hair, his back was turned to you as he was talking to a girl with lighter blue hair.

Could it be...?

"Hey guys" the necklace around the guy with dark blue hair turned a full 180 towards you, making him start to look up.

"She's looking for Gray" Mira pushed you forward, your mouth only opened and closed in response, here was your big brother, after all these years. You felt tears prick your eyes but you didn't care anymore. He got up a little, his eyes never leaving yours.

"(Y...Y/N)?" He found his voice before you could, he always had a quicker reaction time, you nodded dumbly.

"G...gray...?" He could barely manage to nod himself, you felt a giant grin spread across your face as the tears flowed freely now.
"Big brother! I missed you!" You ran in for a hug and he accepted it happily.

"Big brother?!"

"I missed you too, but how did you get here?" Gray asks, his voice containing obvious surprise as he held you arms' length away so he could see your face.
"It's a long story" you smiled as you mentally recalled all the crap you went through to get here.

"It's been so long, do you still like hot chocolate?"
"Yeah! It's been so long since I've had it though..." you sighed, Gray smiled.

"Not for much longer, Mira can you-"
"Already on it!" Mira smiled enthusiastically as she disappeared into the crowd, without another word Gray led you to a corner of the guild that wasn't so crowded.

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