Nightwing / Dick Grayson x reader- I'm sorry

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You snuggled into your boyfriend, Dick Grayson. You two have been dating for two years and you both loved each other very much. Dick looked stressed when he came over your house so you suggested watching a Disney movie to calm him down. You remember the time you two first met.

Gonna be late! Gonna be late! You thought to yourself as you bolted down the street. You checked your watch.

"Eep!" You ran even faster, still looking at your watch. You bumped into someone and both of you landed on your butts.

"Ow! I'm so sorry-" you were about to apologize when you (E/C) pools met with electrifying blue. The two of you just stared at each other before you remembered your reason for dashing like the Flash himself down the street.

"Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and" you started rambling while helping to pick up his things. You were about to leave when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Wait!" You looked right into his eyes and your face turned red, a pink dusting on his cheeks at the realization of how close your faces were.

"You forgot this" he says, holding up a small (F/C) notebook.

"Oh thank you" he gave it to you and in a moment of courage you said.

"Nice uniform officer" you winked before speeding off once again. Arriving at a meeting to your dream job.

You allowed a small giggle to leave your lips as you recalled the event.

"What are you thinking about?" Dick asks.

"The first time we met" you reply cheerily, he let out an audible sigh and the last words you ever thought to hear from your boyfriend came out.

"I think we should break up" you sat up from shock and looked at Dick with an open mouth.

"What?" You ask in disbelief.

"I think we should break up" he sighed again.

"What? Why?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper and dampened with sadness.

"Your in danger...being around me..." he trails off.

"Bullshit!" You shout in anger, getting off the couch and standing in front of him. Tears streaking down your face,"what is it?! What's the real reason! Why would you want to do this to me!?" You knew Dick Grayson was Bruce Wayne's ward, you knew you would probably get kidnapped for ransom. But you didn't care about that.

"It's someone else isn't it?" You ask.

"Believe what you want" he replied, getting up. His beautiful blue eyes hardening at you and he was a few inches taller than you which was a little intimidating. Smack! You slapped him across the face.

"(N/-)" Dick realized just how hard this was on you and went to go embrace you.

"No! Don't you dare (N/N) me! If you want to leave then leave! But don't expect me to take you back!" You shout at him, he got his coat and put it on.

"I'm sorry, it's over" he says before shutting the door behind you. You broke down into tears, curling into your bed-sheets and crying your eyes out. It was about thirty minutes when you heard a frantic banging on your door. You cleaned yourself up as best you could and walked to the door with a fake smile, opening it.

"Oh hi you guys what's up?" You ask, it was Conner, Meghan, Wally and Artemis....oh that's right you were supposed to go on a triple date with them tonight (Meghan's idea).

"Hey (Y/N) where's Dick?" Wally asks as you let them in, you sniffled at the mention of him.

"Oh no, he didn't" Artemis says.

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