Sick!Samuel x Exceed! reader part two- We came a long way from where we started

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This was requested by @Zoeymea, I know you requested for Sam to get sick, he is. But I kinda focused on the family dynamic, and I kinda ran got writer's block, but I did it!

You heard a knock at your door. It's been eight years since you met the Zentopia Legion Corps. (That's what they're called, right?) You and Sam were now married and had exceed twins. Since Sam thought too much traveling was bad for children growing up, you lived in a log cabin in the woods with your two children. Sam and everyone else would occasionally visit every once in awhile and your house was kinda like their base or a place where they could take a break for a few days. The twins were happier when their father visits. They always thought he was super smart and he was never wrong.

Oh how this visit was going to prove otherwise.

It started with a knock at the door. You opened it and saw Mary and Danny carrying Sam in his battle form. You moved so they could put him on the couch.
"Hey (Y/N), Sam got sick on our last expedition. Can he stay with you?" Danny asks.

"Of course he can. He's my husband after all, but what happened?"
"It was a booby trap, some dust went in his face and I think it's supposed to simulate a really bad cold" Cocoa explains.

"Hmm, really? The all-knowledgeable Sam getting bested by a booby trap?" You ask sarcastically.

"Well there was some new information that he found interesting, you know how he gets when he finds new and interesting info" Mary explains, you remember all of the idiotic scenarios he got himself into over a new piece of information.
"Ok, thanks for bringing him here. I'll take care of him until he gets better" you reassure them.

"Thanks (Y/N) we knew we could count on you!" Coco smiles as they walked out.

"Let us know when he gets better, so we can pick him up"

"Hang in there buddy! Your going to be better soon!" Danny shouts over dramatically.
"It's just a cold, stop being so overdramatic!" Mary pushed Danny out of the house as he held onto the doorframe like Sam had some kind of deadly disease or something.

"Ok you big lug, let's get you to bed" you lifted up Sam and brought him to your shared bedroom. You gently placed him down on the bed and got a cool cloth for his forehead.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Sam asks, his voice hoarse, probably from coughing fits beforehand.

"Yup, it's me, how are you feeling?" You ask him gently.

"That's unimportant, the Legion Corps. need me" he grunted trying to get up. You pushed him back down.

"Sam you aren't feeling well, the best thing you can do right now right now is rest and regain your strength" you coax him.

"Hm perhaps your right" Sam mutters begrudgingly. You smiled, knowing how hard it was for Sam to admit he was wrong (which wasn't often). You kissed his cheek.

"I'll get some medicine and soup for you tiger" you left the room as an afterthought came to your head.
"Samuel! Don't you dare get out of that bed!" You shout, knowing that Sam was probably going to try and sneak out or something like that. You remember how Sam has done that before, and you've caught him...several times. You came back with a bottle of medicine and soup when you saw that your twins were peeking out of the door.
"Is Papa gonna be ok?" (D/N) asks worriedly.
"Yeah he's going to be fine, he's just gonna be sick for awhile. You can go in but don't go too close, only adults are immune" your children nodded, completely buying what you were telling them. You just didn't want to deal with a sick family. You didn't have that kind of patience. You helped Sam sit up so he could have some medicine and eat the soup you made for him. You made sure he was comfortable before letting him rest. The twins followed you out the door as you closed it.


The next day the twins went to play outside, as you were once again taking care of your poor husband. Making something light for breakfast you went into your bedroom and saw Sam shifting his pillows

"Sam, why didn't you tell me you were feeling uncomfortable?" You asked as you adjusted his pillows so he could sit up and be more comfortable. You gave him his breakfast while plopping down next to him on the bed. Having your own breakfast in hand. Sam told you his best about what happened since he left last time. You snorted when you heard Danny got put in a local jail overnight for flirting with the Mayor's daughter. You gave Sam some more medicine and helped him to the couch so you guys could watch some Lacrima vision together. The twins came in later, covered in mud and with twigs in their hair.
"Oh my gosh! What happened!" You shout, seeing their appearance.

"We wanted to fly, like you and Papa" (S/N) explains.

"Ok, well you guys are getting a bath" You tell them plainly. They cringed outwardly.
"Noo! Not a bath!" (D/N) cried out. (S/N) was trying to find a way to escape the death-trap known as a bath but you grabbed him by the collar before grabbing (D/N).

"I am not having your muddy selves get everything else muddy, now come on. It's better to get it over and done with now." You tell the both of them before walking into the direction of the bathroom.

-Timeskip 'cause water everywhere!-

"Alright! Now that torture is over we can go practice again!" (S/N) shouts proudly.
"Yeah!" (D/N) agrees, they were about to run outside again but you stopped them by grabbing their collars.
"Oh no you aren't, I am not giving you two baths in one day. I'll show you how to fly after your Papa gets better" you tell them sternly.

"Aww man, this sucks!" (S/N) pouted, walking away.
"Papa! You better get better soon so Mama can teach us how to fly!" (D/N) exclaims. You sat back down on the couch and (D/N) joined your lacrima binge. She snuggled with you because she was 1) afraid she'll catch the grownup disease and 2) his sneezes were scaring her. As well as him using up all the tissues for his sneezes and blowing his drippy nose. You saw (S/N) sitting in the corner.

"(S/N), do you want to join us?"
"No" he pouts.

"Alright" you shrug going back to the lacrima, you knew how stubborn (S/N) could be so he would just come over when he wanted to. You felt him lean up against you and you smiled, knowing how much of tsun-tsun (S/N) could be and how much he was when he didn't get to do something awesome.

It was late and you put the twins to bed, as well as helping Sam to bed though you noticed he was got significantly better since that morning.


You woke up and smiled when you saw Sam sleeping. He was just too damn cute when he was sleeping.

"This reminds me of when we first got together" you whisper. Sam smiles.

"Yes, it does indeed" he answers before he began coughing.
"We came a long way from where we started" you tell him when you got over the shock that he was actually awake.

"Mhmm, I have two strong children" Sam pulled you close and buried his snout in your fur. "And the most beautiful wife in the world"
"Well aren't you a sweet talker?"

"I learned a thing or two from Danny" 

Ok, well I tried my best, hope it was good enough. Also...


Ok, I finished my freakout because I'm honestly super surprised that I got so many views. Who knew so many people enjoy my writing? Because I sure didn't!  

Anyway, lots of stuff was going on when I was writing this so I'm sorry it wasn't as long. I tried my best to make it as un-crappy as possible. Hope you guys enjoyed it! 
This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

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