Damien (O.C) x reader

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You were shadow summoning mage that joined a guild named Phoenix heart.They were a strange guild,almost as rowdy as Fairy Tail.Keyword:almost.You had a big crush on the number one bachelor Damien.He was a shadow angel slayer,he was a flirt,but more with his looks.He would wink at girls and things like that...no cheesy pickup lines.Nothing like that.You sighed,and rested you head in the bored school position.(That's what I call it when I'm so bored in school I rest my forehead on the desk)."Boy troubles?" Rue (another O.C I made) asks,resting her chin in her palm,a mischievous glint in her eye.You groan in response and rest your forehead back down on the table.She pats your head,"there,there I'm sure he'll recognize your awesomeness sooner or later."

"Can you mock someone else please?" You ask.

"Nope" she replies happily,you groan again,Rue was so childish sometimes.

"RUE OFFICE NOW!" The guildmaster shouts.
"Aww man again,I only blew up a block and punched the client in the stomach" she complains,you raise an eyebrow at her."He was flirting,you know how much I hate flirts" she says.You look up and watch Damien doing all kinds of complicated aerial manuevers.Rue made an obstacle course for him out of air.You walk up to the job request board,maybe a job could take your mind off Damien for awhile."Hey Y/N going on a job?" Amaya asks,(another O.C I created)."Yeah" you reply,she gasps."What's wrong?"

"You don't know?!" She shouts,several people turn to you guys then back to what they were doing."What?"

"The tenth anniversary of Phoenix Heart is tonight" she says.


"There's going to be a ball,are you going to be back in time?" You shook your head no.

"We need to get ready" Amaya says.
"I'm not going" you say simply,you didn't care much for parties.

"You are" Silver Moon (you know it another O.C,I have tons of them) was standing with her arms crossed.A scary aura built up around her,(much like Erza).

"Nope" you say,she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you off.Amaya and Silver Moon make you try on like thirty million dresses and several pairs of heels.You finally settled on a (F/C) dress that was had a giant ribbon with matching flats.You borrowed some of Silver Moon's jewelery,(you were shocked she even had jewelry in the first place).They were (BS Birthstones) in a necklace and earrings.To top it all off you had gloves that reached to your elbows.Silver Moon wore a white dress and it looked like someone splatter painted it with black paint and it melted to become one with the fabric.Amaya wore a maroon dress that had a lighter colored ribbon swirl around it so when she spun it looked like the ribbon was moving.After some quick hair and makeup you walked to the guild hall,everyone was dressed up,even Rue which was surprising.Apparently Cayla and Mori dragged her off to go shopping.You saw Damien in a handsome tux with coattails,his wings made him look like an actual angel that came from heaven.You then went behind a pillar and banged your head against the wooden beam,he was too irresistable for his own good."Hey you ok (Y/N)?" Damien asks.

"U-uh yeah I'm fine" you say composing yourself."What are you doing here?" You ask.
"I was wondering if you wanted to dance" he says.Your heart beat super fast.

"O-ok sure" you reply,you link your arm with his and go to the dancefloor.You noticed his wings were folded neatly and they looked groomed."You look beautiful" Damien says to you.You blush the tiniest bit,"t-thanks" you reply.You two just dance,all night,not saying a word to each other.It was a nice silence,when the ball ended.Damien brushed some hair behind your ear."You really do look beautiful" he whispered into your ear.He then walked off leaving you paralyzed for a minute before you regain your composure and walk back home.

-Timeskip 2 months-
Today you were going on a job.You picked one that didn't seem too tough."That's the job you're going on isn't it a little too dangerous?" Damien asks.

"No it is not,master I'm going on this one" you call.

"Ok (Y/N) be careful" they call back.

"I will!" You reply walking out.

-Timeskip after you completed the job-

Fighting that monster nest made you very injured,you had a very bad gash on your side.You were nowhere near the town at all,"dammit just my luck" you mutter.You collapse and think you see someone,"D-Damien" you whisper as your eyes close.

You woke up in the guild infirmary,Damien was sitting next to you.He was asleep,"he spent all night waiting by your side" Amaya says,putting a food tray on the nightstand.

"Really?" You ask.

"Mhmm,you're a lucky one" Amaya replies.You tried sitting up,but it hurt to much.Damien woke up,"I'll leave you two alone" Amaya says closing the door behind her.

"(Y-Y/N) you're awake!" Damien pulls you in for a hug.

"Yeah" then your stomach grumbles.Damien puts the tray in your lap and waits patiently as you ate."(Y/N)" Damien says seriously.You put the tray back on the nightstand.
"What is it?" You ask,your heart was hammering in your chest.

"I-I like you" he says,a small tint of pink on his cheeks."I was so concerned when you went on that job alone,it was driving me crazy.It didn't help that it took you so long to get back.I went to the location the job was at and when I saw you close your eyes,I thought you would've died before I told you.I love you (Y/N)" he says.You hug him.

"You baka,I love you too and I'm not going anywhere" he returns your hug and you felt safe in his arms.

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