Voltron LD Preference

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Requested by Wingstar


Shiro does everything he can to try to make you feel better. From heating up your food goo so it's easier to eat to checking on you constantly and fluffing up your pillows so you could sit up easier. And when you throw up he's there in an instant to move your hair back and rub your back in reassurance. He's such a soft boy™ when you're sick it's not even funny. You try to get him to go do his duties as leader but he insists that your health is his number one priority as leader. He'll also say yes to pretty much everything when you're sick, unless if it involves you getting out of your room. That's a big no-no. Also kisses, he doesn't want to get sick too or accidentally get someone else sick. You usually use this to get him to cuddle with you or watch the newest episodes of the alien soap operas you watch together. Though sometimes you'll ask him for your favorite flavor of milkshake or to tell a Dad joke, the milkshakes he doesn't mind as long as you don't have more than one a day. And he occasionally will sneak in some broth or some extra nutrients into your milkshake. Maybe even your medicine depending on how much you dislike it. As for the Dad jokes, at first Shiro thinks it's stupid and doesn't want to do them, but you whisper 'pwease' with your puppy eyes and Shiro can't help but give in and tell a few of the ones he knows, somehow. It makes you laugh, which turns into coughing. He's also really good with the time you have to take your alien medication. Though he depends on Pidge for figuring out the right dosage because you're human. Then she also has to factor in your height and weight. It usually takes her about a day to figure out all the right dosages and Shiro is the one to give the medicine to you and when you think it's gross he either puts it in your milkshake or gives you his softboi™ puppy eyes. Which you can't say no to and you give in and take it. He'll most likely cuddle you until you fall asleep before catching up on all the work he missed, though Allura or Coran finds him working and insists that he should be resting too.


Keith is such an awkward boi™ about this. He wants to take care of you, but he doesn't really know how and panics when you so much as cough in his presence. He also definitely freaks out when you throw up, he tries not to show it and holds your hair back while you throw up. And like Shiro, leaving your bed is a big no-no. He also asks Shiro for advice on what to do when your sick and tries to heat up chicken noodle ramen soup for you but Hunk comes in and is like 'yeah no, come back in thirty minutes' and he leaves to go make sure everything's alright with you. Then he goes back in thirty minutes and sees Hunk already putting the final touches on your soup. He asks if you need anything and you don't want to impose anything so you shyly ask for little things like a cough drop or some water and maybe one of the alien movies that were constantly broadcasted throughout the universe kinda like how earth T.V works with the different channels and shows and stuff. You're very nervous about asking Keith for things because he's so dedicated and loyal to you that if you ask him for something he'll spend hours trying to get that specific thing for you. And it's very sweet of him and he insists it's no trouble for you, but you're still hesitant about asking for things because that's just your nature. He's already giving up his whole daily schedule and duties as a paladin to take care of you. Tho Keith will agree to watching the movie, and it's really fun because he questions the continuity errors and you do the exact damn thing, even when your sick. Keith is so confused with your alien medication and asks Pidge if she can dose it right so he doesn't actually turn your skin red or something. Pidge agrees and it takes her forever because Keith is constantly watching over her shoulder and questioning everything she does and why. Eventually she just kicks him out and comes into your room with the medication bottles with new labels on them in english that have the new dosages and everything, even the different times they need to be taken based on height and weight. Keith thanks Pidge before convincing you to take the medicine and if you think it looks to weird or straight up don't want to take it he gives you his super soft boi puppy eyes and you can't help but take the medicine. Keith doesn't mind cuddles or little pecks on the lips when you're sick because he has a pretty strong immune system, but he doesn't want to push his luck. He cuddles with you before you go to bed every single time when you take a nap. Not that you mind though, you're just worried that you're taking up too much of his time. Though he insists that you aren't a hassle and he would much rather spend the day taking care of you than doing anything else.

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