This was requested by Naturewarrior300, I did it after the reader changed as a different aspect of something not many one shots cover so I hope you like it!
They didn't trust you. You didn't blame them, you spent years attacking them and trying to kill them it was understandable. Nobody knew the reason why you wanted to turn to a hero, it was a personal thing for you. Which made you all the more suspicious to them. Since you lived in the mountain with some of the others you noted how they kept tarps over their mirrors and anything reflective in their rooms. A sign they didn't trust you, the only people who did were Robin, Impulse and Nightwing. You were used to the loneliness, you tried not to let it affect you too much. You usually just sat on the couch and listened to your music, the one thing that was always with you during difficult times. When you weren't sitting on the couch listening to music you were either talking with Impulse or training with Robin. Impulse always wondered why you decided to become good, but you had a feeling he already knew the answer and wanted to hear it from you. Right now you were listening to music on the couch and you felt the couch dip slightly next to you, meaning that Impulse was sitting next to you, you proceeded to pause your music and took off your headphones. Looking over at the young speedster who was currently shoving chips into his mouth. You couldn't help but laugh a little at the young speedster who turned to look at you.
"Whut?" He asks, his voice muffled by the chips.
"You look like a chipmunk" you answer, he swallows the chips.
"You mean like this?" He puffed out his cheeks and made very bad chipmunk noises to go along with it. You laughed harder."D...dude...t..that's...that's even worse" you say through laughs as Impulse continued his impression. Soon Impulse gave it up and laughed with you.
"So, what brings you over to this neck of the woods?" You ask.
"I dunno, just wanted to hang with one of my best friends" he shrugs, tossing a chip and instead of it going in his mouth, it bonked his forehead.
"Ouch" he grumbles.
"For what?"
"I have no idea!" You shout in your still happy attitude. Impulse just shook his head as you continued to talk about the most random topics. Until Lagoon Boy walked over. He just sat down and glared at you."Uh, hey there Lagoon Boy...." you greet nervously. He still continued to glare at you.
"Why are you here? How do we know you aren't here to spy on us?!" He questions you.
"I'm not here to-"
"Then why are you here? Nobody on the Team knows why and we're all aggravated with your 'it's personal' B.S." he tells you, rather angrily you might add.
"Hey, I know" Impulse answers, so your suspicions were right, Impulse did know.
"And I do too, and believe it or not (H/N)'s reason is personal L'gann" Robin defends you, coming into the kitchen with a water bottle. L'gann grumbles under his breath sitting back down, you smile at Robin, silently thanking him for defending you. He just nodded before heading to the gym."So? You wanna go to the arcade? Have a paintball battle in the woods?" Impulse asks. You shook your head.
"No, I'm good, thanks for offering though" you answer. Starting to think a bit, about the reason why you joined. He never fought you, never fell for your teasing, when you did fight it was probably to protect his unconscious friends, he never went full 100% on you when you fought. You could tell he was holding back.I don't wish to fight you Hermosa!
It's not too late to turn back!
I know there's good in you!
You would make a better hero than a villain
Join us, join me...please... all the different phrases he's ever said to you. During different situations of course, but those moments still meant a lot to you. You wondered if he remembered those moments, or if he still cared. He still hasn't talked to you since you joined the Team, you wondered if he hated you the most, even though he was the reason why you decided to turn over a new leaf. You wouldn't put it past him, you did do pretty bad stuff to his team in the past.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...