Requested by Nyx_Eisenwald
When you wear their hero costume
You were dared to wear his hero costume by Mina. She just wanted to see how cute you would look in it, it was pure curiousity you swear it was. It was really baggy so you had to tie off the shirt and pull up the pants a little bit. He was supposed to be at the gym with Kirishima and Denki but when you heard the large bangs before the door to the dorm slammed open you knew you were screwed. You just stared at each other before he picked you up and dragged you away. The whole time you were apologizing and rambling on because you were so scared on what he was gonna do but he just put you on his bed and you kinda began making out. Long story short, you in his hero suit is a sight for his eyes only.
You just stole his sleeves 'cause you wanted to wear a black tube top without judgement becAUsE ShoULDeRs ArE DiSTURbiNG. It was right before a date too and the whole time Kirishima's wondering when you got that new shirt, not that he was complaining but it just looked so familiar. It wasn't until you got back to the dorms and took them off going 'here you go Kirishima' and poor boi's so confused, how did you rip off your sleeves so easily? And why're you giving it to him? It's so funny that you laugh for like, an hour before finally calming down and telling him that those were his sleeves and that you stole them. He's totally chill with you borrowing his sleeves whenever, you just gotta ask first. He secretly prefers if you wear the sleeves with him around because you look really good with them and he wants to be there in case if some guy doesn't know what the word 'no' means.
Of course it was his scarf, he didn't even notice until he wanted to slap a student (Mineta) with the end of it and he didn't have it. He knew you stole it and was like 'give me a minute' and left, going over to your classroom where you were teaching your students while they all confusedly stared at your new scarf before Aizawa opened the door and was like 'give it back' you pouted before giving him back the scarf, he'll kiss your cheek and say 'maybe later' before leaving so now he left you to deal with a group of highschoolers who are freaking out because YOU TWO ARE DATING?!?! Like they knew, but it wasn't for sure. It was totally payback from him for you getting the last coffee this morning.
You stole his jacket because you were cold af because the base is always frickin' cold and you forgot your hoodie at home. You didn't care about any future repercussions which include dying because of his germophobia. Of course he frickin' catches you, because everyone in the Yakuza are snitches. He actually stares at you for a moment because you actually look cute in his coat and leaves you alone for most of the day before calling you down to his office and demanding that you cuddle with him. Which makes you all flustered because you show like, no physical affection but you actually get used to it. He knows your clean so as long as you're not going outside the base you could borrow his jacket whenever you want, you just have to ask first.
You just wore one of his masks and tried to scare him, you had to go into the 'immature hero corner' for two hours.
All Might-
You don't actually wear any of his clothes, you just wear a sweatshirt with his supersuit on it and put your hair just like his. He thinks it's way too cute and mostly tries to avoid you most of the day because he doesn't want his students to worry about him when blood just starts randomly coming out of his nose. Tho you did it because your class is having an 'All Might Appreciation Day' where they all come out, decked in all their All Might merch and you even hunt him down shouting 'Protect Dad Might!' over and over as your students pick him up and chant that all around campus. You're in the front with a flag and soon other students join in until Nezu's like
'You guys can take this outside if you want' and you totally do. So you kinda accidentally start an international holiday.
You challenged Sero to a Yu-gi-oh battle so you use his arm launcher thingie for Yu-gi-oh cards and you're basically having a battle on the table with everyone watching before Denki realizes that you're using his arm launcher thing and he's honestly kinda impressed, the only thing you fight about now is who gets to use his arm launcher when you play Yu-gi-oh.
You took her mask for a 'Phantom at the Opera' scene renactment thing for class. You told her like, several days ago that you were going to use it but apparently she didn't remember and she had hero training that day. If it weren't for someone mentioning that you told her, like twenty times, then she wouldn't know about it. Of course the teachers would let her run into your class as long as she isn't interruptive, but Mina kicks the door open just as you finished.
"(Y/N)! Give me my mask! I need it for training!" You basically can't borrow anymore 'props' and if you really do need something you need to make sure she puts a reminder on her phone so she doesn't forget.
You borrow that little shelf thing she has for her hero costume a lot. It's kinda your new backpack now when you want to travel light, or bring a book around with you. It sucks when she has hero training because then you can't easily carry your stuff around like you could before. You, unlike Momo, wear the belt in the front so you don't have to worry about someone swiping your stuff super easily and it's way more convenient and stylistic to you.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...