Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader- More Expresso less depresso

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This oneshot is brought to you by my procrastinating brain who has no ideas for the next Memories chapter

"....want....die..." you heard with your super hearing. You had a quirk called 'Owl' where like Su, you had all the qualities of an owl.
"Dude same!" You shout immediately before climbing onto the wall that overlooked class 1-B.

"Hey, did any of you guys say that you wanted to die just now?" You ask, they all gave you 'wtf' looks as Neito was about to say something, someone interrupted him.
"Actually that was me" a purple haired guy says casually on the wall across from 1-B.
"Whoa! No way! Why you wanna die?!" You grin eagerly, he shrugged.
"Just tired I guess"
"Bro me too! I was up all night last night watching previous Sports Festivals to try to guess what was going to happen today! But then again I work better when I'm on two hours of sleep...I'm actually more energetic when I have less sleep come to think of it..." you mutter to yourself.

"Eh, I'm tired either way, I'm always tired"
"Have you tried Vitamin B?"
"Nah, does it work?"
"It's 50-50 for me"
"Huh, I'll try it out, why do you want to die?"
"Eh, tired, english test next tuesday, the usual"
"Yeah, I'm not that good at english either. You're from Class 1-A right? You got 15th in the race"
"Yup! Tho I think my quirk is better for rescue than combat, I totally lost my fight. You're the guy Deku fought right?!"

"Deku? Oh you mean Midoryia"
"Yeah! Your quirk is really cool I gotta say! I could easily see you interning for someone like Miss Joke!"
"Gee thanks, I never really thought of that...but if I get the offer from her then I'll definitely accept"
"Yey dude! Nobody's probably gonna want me tho, everyone will totally be looking for people with good combat skills. I barely made it through the practical entrance exam, good thing I sharpened my talons the night before."
"That's not true, you have a decent quirk, I think you could probably get into several hero agencies. But if you really want to do rescue maybe the Wild Wild Pussycats might give you an offer."
"Oh my god! That would be so cool! You really think so?!"
"Um excuse me but there's this thing called a hallway where you two can talk without bothering everyone, maybe you should try it" one of the 1-B kids speaks up sarcastically.
"And ladies and gentlemen we'll start a quick intermission!" President Mic speaks up.
"Eyyy bro, wanna get a coffee? You look like you need it!" You call, he shrugged.
"Ooooh (Y/N) are you going on a date?" Mina asks as you went to leave.
"What? No! I barely even know the guy, we're just going to get a coffee. No big" you shrug.

"Ok~ If you say so~"
"Just for that I'm not getting you a brownie" you inform her before walking out.

"Hey" you smile at the purple haired guy that you were talking to.

"Hey, you know any good coffee places around here?"
"Not really, but I can text my parents and ask them"
"Your parents are here?"
"Yeah, they were shouting in the front row of my fight and after too"
"Wait, I remember them now, they're very energetic"
"Yeah....they're very...energetic? Are your parents here?"
"I think so, but I haven't really seen them"
"Ah" there was a lull in the conversation as your talons clacked on the ground. It was impossible to find shoes so you kinda wore gloves over your talons.

"Did your parents text you about the coffee yet?"
"Nope, nothing, they're probably too busy talking to the people around them about how great their daughter is" you put extra emphasis on the 'great' in a sarcastic way.
"You don't like your parents talking about you?"
"'s just that they are a little...extra with it. It's more embarrassing than anything. What about your parents? Do they brag about you to everyone in sight?" You ask jokingly.

"Not really, only when it comes up, they're supportive and all but they're not over the top"
"Ah, wish I had parents like that" you squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light.

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