Bakugou x Todoroki's Sister! Reader pt 2. - A promise

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This was requested by Prongs on Quotev, sorry it took so long mah dude, I was busy with...things. 

Kaminari in the distance: By things she means she's turned to Lotor trash!

Me: *jabs thumb at Kaminari* Excuse me while I go kill Pikachu real quick *frickin' Naruto runs as you can hear Kaminari shouting in terror as I gain on him*

Warning: Language 'cause Bakugou

"I had a fun time 'Suki, I'll see you tomorrow?" You ask him. 

"Of course you'll see me tomorrow Shorty, what the hell kind of dumbass question is that?" Bakugou huffs. You smiled at him and he gave you a light peck before turning and waving behind him. You waved back and began walking home. You hummed happily as you opened the door and closed it shut behind you.
"So, how was your date with your new boyfriend~" Your older brother, Natsuo teases.

"Wait! Since when has (Y/N) had a boyfriend!" Toya shouts in alarm.

"A few months since she started U.A, didn't you guys know that?" Sho asks.

"No! Why didn't you tell us (Y/N)?! I thought you loved us!" Natsuo cries, though it was obviously fake.

"I do, it's just this is all new to me....I never had a boyfriend before...and 'Suki is really amazing...and I don't need my older brothers embarrassing me in front of him."
"You're on a first name basis, great" Sho rolls his eyes with sarcasm laced in his voice.
"But we wouldn't do that to our little (N/N)"

"Yeah of course not" they gave you puppy eyes over the couch, but it was very obvious they were wearing very devious grins.

"I told you not to call me-"

"Eee! (Y/N) has a boyfriend! This is so great! I have to know everything!" Fuyumi began fangirling, before the thundering of footsteps echoed in your current direction, making everyone shut up and turned the tension to ice even though he had a quirk of fire. Your Father came into the kitchen and observed all his children, Fuyumi put herself between you and your Father as Toya raised his arm to power off the T.V. Your Father turned to him and gave him a glare.

"Yes Father?"
"Where were you tonight?"
"I was out with friends, Father" you answer.

"Do you have plans with those same friends tomorrow?"
"Yes Father"
"Cancel them, with America being the strictest with quirk laws you had no way to train properly for almost a decade, therefore making you the weakest of my creations and I will not allow that to be." He then walked away, when you were sure he was out of earshot you looked to your eldest sibling.

"He's gonna hurt me isn't he?" You ask her, she just pulled you toward her.

"Father's training is hard and brutal, but you'll make it through (Y/N), you'll make it through"

You'll make it through (Y/N) you reflected on what Fuyumi said before pulling out your phone and smiling at your home wallpaper, it was a secret picture of you and 'Suki eating froyo together that Mina took. You were feeding him some of yours and laughing at his angry, but blushing face. You were surprised she got such a good angle and close up without 'Suki or you noticing.

After admiring the wallpaper you went to your chatroom with 'Suki.
You: 'Suki I'm scared T-T

Bakugou: Why the hell are you scared?
You: My Father wants to train with me after school tomorrow

You already told 'Suki what your Father did to you and your family so he knows all about what a terrible person your father was.

Bakugou: What!?!! Why??!?!?!

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