Rook x reader- Soulmate AU- The Black Spot

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Requested by Missy Tymen, and this further proves  that if you give me a oneshot request with no context or want it to be a surprise I will turn it into a Soulmate AU because I frickin' love soulmate AUs!

Rook never really understood why he had a giant black spot on his nose, at first his family thought he had a disease of some kind, but nothing happened in the coming years and was still very confused, until he became a Plumber on Earth. It turns out that it was the mark of where your soulmate would first touch you. Ben explained it to him when questioned why his forearm was lit up in all kinds of different colors, it was because his soulmate, Kai Green accidentally slapped his arm while excitedly talking to her friends. Rook no longer saw the black spot on his nose a curse or a bad omen, it was the mark of a soulmate. Every planet had their own unique way of finding their soulmate. Revonnahs had the red string, he did not, which only made his family all the more worried for him when he grew up. Rook was excited to meet his soulmate, but he wondered why his soulmate would touch his nose first. Maybe that's how they bump into him? Or like Ben they're excitedly talking to their friends and accidentally bump him in the nose. Rook didn't know, Ben would reassure him that everyone is guaranteed to meet their soulmate at some point in their life, it just takes time. But it was sooner than he thought, Ben had to go home early for family game night so Rook decided to do one more patrol before retiring for the night. He saw a shadowy figure running across the roof with a duffel and decided to get out of his van and follow. This type of behavior at night was very suspicious, it was worth to at least check it out. He stealthily caught up to the figure and used his proto tool to zoom in on the contents of the duffel, which were all 100 dollar bills.

"Hands up! Now" Rook demands using his gun feature.
"Might I ask under what authority I'm surrendering to?" The figure asks, they sounded feminine but you could never be too sure.

"The Plumbers, now if you surrender quietly I can guarantee no harm will come to you" Rook took another step closer.
"I thought Plumbers had authority over aliens and mad scientists, how do I fit that bill?" Rook was on edge, the figure sounded almost amused even though they had no reason to be.
"You stole that money yet there are no alarms going off or any police reports which is impossible unless if you are one of those things."
"Or both, but it's not like you'll ever figure out which one I am" the figure answers.

"And why is that?"
"Because you won't survive" they pulled out a sword, Rook recognized it as a Pianado, but it was traditionally used with a shield. Rook fired at the figure but they deflected the blast easily and began attacking. Their movements fluid and fast, Rook not expecting this, could barely keep up with his own prototool. Sometimes sparks could be seen as his tool and the sword collided. Rook began to adjust and the battle was becoming more even.
"Shame I'll have to kill you, for an alien you're kinda cute" the figure spoke in the middle of the fight.

"Who said I'll die?" Rook asks, deflecting a slash.

"Oh and a good fighter, quite a catch. But too bad we're on opposite sides. And it's not like you'll have much of a choice, cutie. You saw me, and everyone who sees me dies" they respond, their attempts at flirting only made Rook's blood boil. This was a fight, and they were the enemies. His thoughts let them get real close and they slammed their forehead into his nose, his shock and surprise allowed the figure to sweep him off his feet and disarm him. He felt their foot go on his chest, pinning him to the ground as their sword was aimed for his throat. The thing about Revonnahgander anatomy was the noses were very sensitive and Rook couldn't help but see white spots in his vision and could barely function normally.
"Shit" the figure swore under their breath as Rook's senses came back. He noticed the slight glow that suddenly came out of nowhere and saw some of this same glow through the figure's hood. Even the light glow went a long way, especially for Revonnahganders who saw extremely well in the dark. They wore (basically this I don't know how to describe this, but you definitely don't have a cape, but you do have somewhere to put your sword tho). He could see from under your hood your long (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. You definitely had the face of a female human. He could pick out the details from the light (f/c) glow on your forehead. Wait glow? And where was the second glow coming from? And why did you have such a frustrated yet scared look in your eyes. You took out a dart and threw it at his shoulder before he could ask you any of these questions.
"Because you're my soulmate I'll let you live, but try to pursue me and I'll kill you, consider this mercy" and then Rook blacked out.

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