Lance x reader- Warmth

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You groaned and turned over again in your bed only to find that you were now colder than you previously were, you had a string of curse words in your head that you would never dare to say out loud because you were a good innocent child. You tried to make your blanket into a burrito but it didn't work. You thought about going to get the extra blankets but that would leave you even colder since you had to leave your bed. You're probably wondering why you're so freezing though, well, Coran told you he needed to fix something in the same sector as your room, but needed to turn the heat off, You didn't mind because you were extremely good at dealing with the cold on earth, what you didn't know was that he would turn the temperature to absolutely freezing. You were scared to leave the bed because the metal was wicked cold and not even your fuzzy wool socks could keep the cold out. Besides if you did get out of your room where would you go? Everyone was asleep and if you slept out of your room then everyone would get concerned. You needed somewhere to sleep, somewhere where no one would question why your there. You needed Keith. You gripped your blanket and your pillow and made a mad dash out of your room, the temperature of the castle at night was cooler than during the day but it was still a little warmer compared to the arctic tundra known as your room. You put your blanket over your shoulders and gripped your blanket as you made your way to Keith's room.

"(Y/N)?" oh god no, please no you thought to yourself, but despite your prayers it was in fact Lance. It's not that you didn't like him, you did, a lot. Which made zero sense to you. You were a shy, quiet girl, who didn't like to make a big deal about anything while Lance was the opposite. He was outgoing and loud and he made a big deal about a lot of things, so he'll sure as hell make a big deal about you being cold out of your wits.

"H...hey...L...lance" your teeth chatter as you were shaking from the cold of your room, which you were in for three hours at least, or what felt like three hours.

"(Y/N)?! What happened to you!?" Lance shouts, he ran over to you. He felt your forehead, to you his hands were warm as hell, to him you were like a human ice cube. His (very) handsome features showed worry and concern.

"Holy crap your freezing! Why're you so cold?!"

"C...coran had turn d...down the t...temperat...ture in room to work on the c...castle...b...but I didn't r...realize would down f...freezing..." you chatter.

"Well why did you leave your room now? Why not earlier?"
"I...I...I d...didn't want to g...get c...colder..." you stutter.

"Well where were you going to go?" Lance asks, you didn't answer him for a minute, knowing he wouldn't like the answer.

"(Y/N)? Where were you going to go?" Lance asks, there was more concern but more seriousness too.
"K....keith's..." you mutter.

"Nope!" All in one motion Lance picked you up bridal style and began going in the direction of his room as he began telling you why Keith was the last person to go to for this but you weren't listening, you were just snuggling up into his natural warmth and trying to get warm yourself. He was like an oven compared to how you were. He sat you on his bed, which made you whine a little when you felt his warmth leave you. He took off his space robe and pj shirt, which made you avert your eyes because your CRUSH was frickin' SHIRTLESS in front of YOU.
"Put this on" Lance tells you, handing you his pj shirt. You put it on and he was standing in front of you again with his jacket.
"This too" you obliged and as you were putting it on he gave you his giant robe and wrapped it tightly around you. He took the hood part of his jacket and flipped it up so it was on your head.
"Cute" he smiled at you before jumping into bed with you and immediately wrapping his arms around your still shaking form. Since you had essentially no body heat it would take you forever to warm up on your own, but Lance was more of an oven than ever before. Your face turned very red, very fast, especially since Lance was resting his head on your neck. Even though there was cloth separating the two of you, it was very thin and you could feel your cheek against his. Your mind went wild at the possibilities of what could happen. Your bodies were pressed very close together, his arms were wrapped around your body and you could hear his gentle breaths in your ear. You were sure he could hear your fast paced heart through the thin cloth separating your face. You had a little warmth on the outside of your skin but you could still feel the cold in your bones. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep, but with your one and only crush that you've liked for forever right next to you, it was kinda hard. Especially since he was shirtless and damn did he look hotter than you imagined.

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