Runaan x reader Soulmate AU- Written Words

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Requested by Yuuki217, hope the wait was worth it my dude!

You took a look at your wrist again, 'have you come to torture me further, human?' in fancy, teal lettering. It suggested that your soulmate wasn't human, but why would you torture them? Despite the hard life of being a servant in the Castle you were a very kind and compassionate person. You used to want to be a guard, thinking that was how you met your soulmate, but alas that didn't happen. So your soulmate's words made you worry about your future, does something happen? Something that makes you a bad person? It couldn't be. The words on your wrist brought you more anxiety than anything. All of the other servants had regular things, like 'hello', 'I'm new here', 'do you know where the fruit market is, I seem to be lost' things like that. Some of them had slightly abnormal words, but nothing like yours. All of the other servants knew about your soulmate's words. Most of them were curious as to who it was. Some of them would whisper about how you were destined with a non-human, but the others would defend you. For as kind as you were, you were also very shy and soft-spoken. Not standing up for yourself often.

"Hello dearie, is everything alright?" One of the cooks, Marie, asks. She was a kindly old middle-aged woman with streaks of white in her once dark brown hair which was tied in a neat bun. She used to have a soulmate but he broke her heart. Despite all of that she was still super supportive of everyone's soulmate. And since she was a head cook she knew almost everything about everyone so she was often dubbed 'The Matchmaker' for helping so many meet their soulmates.

"Yes Mam, everything's fine" you answer. That's what you called her, Mam. When you first came here she often protected you from the guards and treated you like the daughter she never had. You had a special place in her heart, and she held a special place in yours.
"Are you sure? You're peeling the potatoes with such a dour expression on your face." She jokes with you and you sigh.
"Sorry it's just...I'm thinking about my soulmate again" you sigh, turning around and putting your hands at the table, looking at your work area. Marie put a hand on your shoulder.

"It's very much alright dearie, soulmates are a complicated and fickle thing. But you'll meet that special someone eventually, and when you do, it will be the best moment of your life." Marie reassures you, you turn your head and smile at her.

"Thanks Mam"
"Now, those potatoes aren't going to peel themselves now are they?" Marie asks as you nodded and began working on it.


"Heyy (Y/N)~"
"Hello Soren" you sigh as you brought the fresh picked fruits in, you and Soren used to date once upon a time when you were younger and before he joined the royal guard. The reason you broke up was because he was way too into his job, which made it hard to not only spend time together but connect as a couple. He still tried to flirt with you from time to time, but you did your best to ignore it and move on.

"You look as lovely as ever"
"What do you want? Can't you see I'm working?" You tell him, not wanting to get in trouble.
"Yeah, about that, Claudia wants to talk to you about something."
"Ok, I just have to drop these vegetables at the kitchen and I'll be on my way."
"Uh actually, I can take care of this, you go meet her in the spellroom. She said it was important."
"Um, ok" you handed him the basket and made your way to the spellroom. Where Claudia was staring at a mirror.
"Claudia, you wanted to speak with me?" You ask, doing a small bow. Even if you were friends she was still a higher rank than you and deserved respect.
"Oh (Y/N), I didn't hear you come in. Can you pick that stuff up and follow me?" It was a bucket of water with a towel, a roll of bandages and a tray of food. You nodded and picked it up. Following her the best you could with your stuff. She opened a painting which must've been a hidden door and you followed her through to a hidden dungeon. She began to fill you in on the way.

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