Kiawe's ending- Grateful for you

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Right path. That was the one you decided to go down. It led to a small beach. There were torches illuminating the place and you watched Kiawe do his fire dancing. You watched, mesmerized by his dance. You always did like Kiawe's fire-dancing. You knew you could never do it, even when Kiawe offered to teach you, you declined. You were afraid of tripping yourself up and making yourself look like an idiot.

"(Y/N)" Kiawe spoke, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Hey Kiawe" you greet. Without taking his eyes off you he stepped back into the water of the ocean and dipped his two sided fire-dancing torch into the ocean. Though that was a bad decision because his grip slipped which burned his hand. He hissed and dropped the torch into the ocean. You quickly ran over and took his hand in both of yours. You examined the burn and got your water bottle. You didn't know where your friends were dragging you so you figured bringing a water bottle would be alright. You poured the cool water on the small burn.

"Does that feel better?" You ask Kiawe.

"Yes, thank you" Kiawe responds, you cupped a hand to his cheek.

"Are you sure?" You ask, he put a hand over yours, leaned into your touch and closed his eyes.

"I am" he answers. He used his other hand to bring you closer to him. You blushed a little harder and you could see a small blush on his cheeks as well. Contrast to the blush he was giving you an intense stare.

"K-Kiawe" you stuttered. He didn't say anything, instead you felt the hand around your waist move up to the back of your head. He placed a tender kiss on your lips. By the time you were over the shock, had your arms around his neck and ready to kiss back, he pulled away.

"I love you (Y/N) always have, always will. The reason I got you Gracideas was because I'm grateful to you. Grateful for you, I saw you during lunch interacting with your pokemon. You acted like they were family. Even though I'm close with my pokemon, I want to have that bond with them. I don't want to be just your lover, I want to be your friend as well." He says. You stayed silent, drinking in his words.

"That sounded much better in my head" he mutters,.

"No, I thought it was a great speech. I love you too, Kiawe" you said.

"And I'll treasure that love, just like I hope you'll treasure mine" he says quietly, kissing you on the forehead. So you two stayed like that, enjoying each other's company.

-Extended ending thingy-

"Hey Kiawe?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

"When are you going to get your torch out of the ocean?" Shock and embarrassment took over as his head quickly snapped to look at the sea. Where the torch was out by a few yards, still partially on fire.

"Dammit, you don't mind do you?" He asked you.

"Not at all, I'll be here waiting" you answer.

"I won't keep you waiting for long" he kissed you on the cheek before running out to dive in the water to retrieve his dancing torch. You watched from the shore and giggled. Life sure is going to be interesting

Haha! Kiawe was so distracted he forgot his torch in the ocean! 

Mallow: Seriously?

Me: Yup!

Mallow: Hey Kiawe, Ftfan told me you left your torch in the ocean, is this true?

Kiawe: Ftfan...

Me: Well you aren't the only ninja Kiawe! *Throws down smokebomb and disappears.

Kiawe: Urgh 

Sophocles: You can always get her back tomorrow during school Kiawe

Kiawe: I know and I will *evil glint in eye*

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