Pantherlily x reader- Do you wanna watch a movie with me?

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Your P.O.V

"(Y/N)? Can I have some water?" You heard Pantherlily groan as you prepared his medicine and some home remedies. You were a cute lil' (F/C) haired exceed and your house was small but cozy. How did you get in this situation exactly? You, yourself had no clue. Gajeel woke you up a few minutes ago with loud knocking and shouting, demanding you to open up. When you actually got to the door he basically shoved Pantherlily at you and said 'take care of him for me' before shutting your door and walking away without an explanation.

"Sure thing! Just give me a sec!" You call back as you added a glass of water to your tray as you went to your/ the only bedroom in your house. There you could find a sick Pantherlily with a thermometer in his mouth. You took it out and saw his temperature was a whopping 103 degrees!
"Jesus Christ, is there a mini-Natsu in your brain or something Pantherlily?!" You say in surprise at his super high temperature.

"If he is, can you replace him with Gray? Please?" Pantherlily asks, as you gave him the water he asked for.

"I can't get Gray over here, but I do have the next best thing" you answer, taking out your ice pack wrapped in a towel so it doesn't give poor Pantherlily freezer burn. You wrapped bandages around the icepack and his head.
"W-what's with the bandages?" Pantherlily asks.

"It's so that way the ice pack doesn't fall when you shift in bed" you inform him.

"Now, take these" you held out an extra glass of water with some medicine. It was slow, but he took the medicine and fell asleep. That's what the day consisted of, Pantherlily waking up, you giving him food and medicine, then he would fall asleep again. You were slightly worried, but you never took care of Pantherlily when he was sick so you had no clue what he was like. Hell, you don't know why Gajeel chose you to take care of Pantherlily. You didn't really talk to him that much and when you did it would end up the both of you in your battle formes fighting to see who was stronger. Your (F/W) vs. Pantherlily's sword, it was fun but Gajeel would yell for Pantherlily and he would be gone in an instant to help his friend. The others would talk to you and Erza would praise your power, but they would eventually have their own things to do. It wasn't their fault, you just didn't really know how to socialize that well. So you were often called mysterious. You didn't really mind at first, you liked being alone. Then Pantherlily came and joined the guild, for once you actually wanted to be with someone instead of by yourself. Though Pantherlily was constantly with Gajeel. You noticed it was getting dark, you checked to see if Pantherlily was asleep. Which he was. You then got extra blankets and a pillow before getting yourself situated on the couch.


You heard a crash in the kitchen and immediately woke up. Seeing a sick Pantherlily holding a plate while the other one was shattered on the floor, eggs, toast and bacon spread among the plate shards.

"I-I just wanted to make some breakfast" he explains to you, seemingly mortified that he broke your plate. You got up and saw the other plate he had. Your heart melted a little seeing how sweet Pantherlily could be, even when he was sick.

"It's ok Lily, how's your head?" You ask.
"Oh-um, it's better" he answers. You noticed the plate had a good amount of food on it.
"How about after I clean this up we can eat what you've got left" You offer.
"W-what if it isn't enough?" Pantherlily asks.
"Then I can just make some more" you answer as you began picking up the broken plate shards. Pantherlily went to help despite you saying he needed to rest.

"I don't want to sit there while you do this for me, please let me help you (Y/N)" he practically begged you sighed.
"Fine, but pick up the food only" you answer, not wanting Pantherlily to get himself cut from the plate shards. The two of you finished cleaning up and began eating the food on the one plate. You guys talked a bit and Pantherlily began coughing. You got him his medicine. The whole day Pantherlily began doing things around the house, you often scolded him that he should rest but he insisted on doing the little chores. You eventually gave up, knowing you couldn't stop Pantherlily. You decided to get some sleep since your startling alarm clock basically made you even more tired.


When you woke up you found that Pantherlily was lying next to you, asleep. You smiled, before becoming a blushing mess and moved away. Quietly and gently checking Pantherlily's temperature. It was pretty much normal. You got a blanket and wrapped it around Pantherlily, before going to get a book and then sitting at the kitchen and reading said book. Unknown to you Pantherlily woke up a little bit after and saw you reading.

"Hey (Y/N)?" He asks, you look up from your book.
"Do you wanna watch a movie with me? I-I mean you don't have to if you don't want to" Pantherlily stutters.

"Sure, let's do it" you pulled out a disc and put it in your lacrima player. Grabbing another blanket and sitting near Pantherlily.
"Are you feeling any better Lily?" You ask.
"Yes, thanks to you"
"It was no problem" you answer as the movie began to play.

Ok, I don't know if it's obvious but I had some serious writer's block for this, I tried my best though. So yeah...nothing much is going on. 

This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

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