Omniverse! Ben 10 x reader pt 2- That's my girl

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Requested by Wingstar, hope it meets your standards and beyond my dude

(E/N) = Enemy Name

You thought that because this was your first relationship and you were so touch-starved (Ben being the same damn way, not first relationship, but touch-starved) you seriously thought you would be making out in the back of the van more often than not, but it seemed Ben wanted to take things slow. Not that you minded. He was really sweet and caring and somehow always knew when you needed an out from your house, which has gotten sorta chaotic ever since your Mom announced she was pregnant. Yet despite how you're willing to take things slow it's been a month since you guys started dating and whenever you have a chance to space out, especially if Ben was around you would think about the kiss you shared in your room. You began to wonder if Ben's kisses were always like that or if it was just that one time. Yeah he's kissed you on the cheek while holding your hand but that was rare too, you have to lock eyes in order for him to get the courage to do so. But patience yields focus so you're willing to wait. Right now you were calling Ben, who you didn't know was out saving a little girl and her dollie from a house fire. Just as the house burned down did his phone ring. He checked the contact, seeing it was you before answering.
"Give me a sec" he mutters to Gwen and Kevin before turning around and answering the call.
"Hey babe, how are you?"
"Everything's good here, just finished my workout, what's up with you?" You ask.
"Oh I just saved a little girl from a house fire"
"Sounds fun, did the Omnitrix actually work this time?"
"No, I turned into Rath instead of Accelerate" he pouts as you began to laugh.

"Oh my god, did you yell at like everything that was pissing you off?"
"Including the fire?"
"...yeah..." he mutters, slumping a little, you began to laugh again. He involuntarily smiled to himself, even if it was at his expense, he loved your laugh.
"S...sorry...but that was just really funny babe...are you excited for our date tomorrow?" You ask.

"Totally! This is the first real date we've had since when? Two weeks ago?" He jokes.

"Yeah, but I can't wait Benny, love you"
"Love you more, babe, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" and you hung up, Ben knows you like to call randomly either to vent to him or to just have a random conversation for multiple reasons. When he turned around both Gwen and Kevin had their mouths open.

"You have a girlfriend?"
"Why didn't you tell me-er us?!"
"It's a long story, I'll tell you later, but right now I just wanna say how much I missed you guys!" Ben grins pulling them into a group hug.


You sat next to Rook as the van pulled up to the Groovy Smoothie as it was under attack.
"Do you need an invitation or what!? Get in!" You shout as you opened the door for them. Ben got in next to you and squeezed your hand tightly as Rogue maneuvered you guys away from the attacking ship that was now aiming for the van....or well ship now. Ben then took the opportunity to introduce you to his friends.
"Guys this is Rook, I don't always get him but he's cool"
"The feeling is mutual" Rook responds.
"And this is (Y/N), she's my girlfriend" you wave to them with your free hand.
"It's finally nice to meet you" you smile.
"Wait- your Ben's girlfriend?!" You nodded at Kevin's question as Ben looked very smug, opting to remove his hand and put his arm around your shoulders, not that you minded.

"Yeah she is!" He answers proudly, well before the van-jet got shot making you all lean forward.

"That is it" Ben actually turned into an alien and began to try to fighting the small ship that still pursued you.


You had no idea why Ben was trying to hide Kevin, but obviously something went wrong. Though at this point you honestly weren't surprised when the ship burst into undertown. But you were surprised that a Tetramand came out with Archie under her arm. How does this rat somehow get involved with everything? You thought to yourself. Though you tuned back in when she announced her purpose.

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