Requested by Kateybird98, I know it wasn't exactly what you requested but I tried my best my dude, hope you like it
It was supposed to be a simple mission, take down the H.I.V.E, destroy their kryptonite operation and retrieve a sample. You would think this wouldn't be too hard, right? Wrong, especially when the Teen Titans are involved.
"The building's coming down! Everyone evacuate!" Robin called, Beast Boy turned to run but caught a glint of green from the corner of his eye.
"Beast Boy! Get back here!"
"I see the kryptonite!"
"Forget the kryptonite! We need to evacuate!"
"Just give me a second!" Beast Boy shot back as he managed to pull the kryptonite out of the rubble."Ha! I told you!" The building gave a violent shake and Starfire flew in, pulling out Robin and Cyborg sent out his grappling arm to pull out Beast Boy but it deflected off the falling debris as Beast Boy panicked and looked around for a way out of the debris that was falling around him.
"Beast Boy!" Cyborg went to run in when a dark energy surrounded him and he was pulled away from the building by Raven just before the whole thing collapsed.
"Why did you do that?! I could've saved him!""No, you couldn't, the building came down just as I pulled you out. You would've had no time to get Beast Boy and you would be crushed along with him."
"You don't know that!"
"She's right Cyborg, we couldn't risk it.Bumblebee, Lightning, Cyborg and I will look through the rubble for Beast Boy. The rest of you need to keep watch over the bad guys, make sure they don't escape until the authorities arrive to put them behind bars.""Right" Starfire nodded to Raven's acceptance of the order.
"Wait, but me and my brother have always been together, why must we be seperated?" Thunder asked.
"Thunder your power could hurt Beast Boy more than finding him, Lightning can use his powers to move metal debris. It'll only be a temporary seperation, can you handle it?"
"Yes, if that's what it takes to find Beast Boy." Thunder agreed, Lightning nodded along with him before joining the first group as they climbed into the remains of the building."We should start looking, Bumblebee and I will try the right, Cyborg and Lightning will clear the debris to the left and if you find Beast Boy let the rest of us know so we can all help him out." Robin nodded, the group took off in two different directions they were assigned as Lightning began to move rubble with his powers.
"Why do you think Beast Boy would run into the rubble like he did? It is quite unlike him." Lightning spoke as Cyborg lifted a particularly heavy piece of rubble.
"Dunno, he's usually more into beating the bad guys than completing the mission, but then again Robin has been kinda rough on him lately for going off mission. He could've tried to prove himself, but I dunno man, no mission is worth anyone risking their life." Cyborg shook his head as he dropped the rubble a safe distance away."We have a lot to get through"
"Indeed, can any of your tools help aid us?" Lightning asked, Cyborg shook his head.
"Nah man, that won't work, I could make it worse or hit BB. We just have to go through this slow and steady.""I suppose I should be careful when lifting pieces of metal rubble with my lightning then."
"That would be a good idea, if BB's still alive, the last thing he needs is an electric shock." Cyborg nodded as he contined to lift rubble. In addition to pulling out metal rubble, Lightning began to kick away small pieces of debris that built up at the bottom, in a small effort to help with the search. After barely a minute of doing this he saw something green at the bottom. Lightning threw away the current metal and went to examine it, he knew not to get his hopes up, for all he knew it could very well be a piece of kryptonite or something else green that was in the building, but upon closer inspection, it was a finger. There was no doubt, it had to be Beast Boy's finger. Lightning began to remove debris, he had to know for sure, he had to know that it was actually Beast Boy and not a trick from his mind. He uncovered the rubble to find Beast Boy's upper body, he was unconscious and the decoration of bruises on his head very well led the reason to why.
"I found Beast Boy!" Lightning called, trying to pull him out by the armpits and at first it worked, but then he couldn't pull him out any further, Lightning put his unconscious friend down knowing that he should wait for the others.
"Is he alright?" Robin asked as he and Bumblebee ran over.
"He's alive, but his leg is stuck under some rubble, it's probably broken." Cyborg reported.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...