Lance x reader- Monsters and Mana

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Requested by Naturewarrior300, hope it meets your expectations fam!

(R/N) = Roleplay Name

"Hey (R/N), nice job getting through that dungeon eh?" Pike asks you, holding out his hand for a high five


"I slap Pike" you spoke in a super monotone voice.
"What?! Why!?" Lance questions as if your suggestion was insane.
"Because you were the one who triggered all the traps and I had to use my last potion!"
"Come on it wasn't that bad!"

"Yes it was!"
"Ok, roll" Pidge tells you, (since she was DMing this) you rolled the dice and got a 5 in altean.


Instead of high-fiving Pike you put your hand on his shoulder, for like, a long time. His cheeks turned light pink as he looked from your hand to your face which was completely emotionless. He didn't know if he should be scared for if he should make some kind of move on you.


"Are you kidding me?! Why!? Well at least I have a valid excuse to do this now" you slapped Lance on his arm really hard.
"Ow! (Y/N)!"

"Ok Hunk, what do you do?"
"Umm this kinda seems like a (R/N) and Pike moment so...can I just turn around? No wait- on second thought I want to take pictures...? Can I do that?"

"Yes you can, roll"

Block fumbled with his magic stone that can capture what was actually going on before taking pictures as all you and Pike could do was awkwardly stare at each other. Thunderstorm (Keith) tried to push Pike, but ended up tripping on a rock and falling on his face, which cost him five damage. Shiro tried to cover Block's magic stone with his hand but failed immensely as Valayun couldn't help but fangirl at your cuteness.


"Ok (Y/N), your turn"

"I kick Pike"

"Ok, roll"

(R/N) tried to kick Pike, but ended up losing her balance and used Pike in order to regain it. Though, now they were closer than ever. (R/N)'s face turned to a dark pink as Pike's turned red. His hands went on her waist and rested there. Block was still taking pictures as Thunderstorm began to look around for any useful items. Shiro began to sharpen his sword as Valayun squeezed Block in a hug out of pure fangirl and tried to see the pictures as he was taking them.


"Are you kidding! Why are we getting such low rolls!"
"Try again, you might get lucky" Pidge smirks, which made you blush even harder at the very thought of what she was suggesting.
"S...shut up...I roll" your mind was drawing a blank.

"Roll to what?" Pidge asks, trying to suppress the grin she was getting from your suffering.

"Roll to ask Pike to get his hands off me" you mumble, not even looking at what you rolled.


"Pike...can you-?" You didn't get to finish your sentence because Pike was kissing you. Block stopped taking pictures and Valayun began to scold him for it. Shiro began to look at a tree with Thunderstorm, obviously trying not to invade your privacy. But you didn't pay any attention to it. You were too wrapped up in Pike, the way his soft lips felt against yours, the natural warmth his body gave off, the smirk he wore, the groans he made when you raked your fingers through his soft hair and stroked his ears, how he somehow knew where to put his hands in just the right spot, all of it. You felt his tail wrap around your waist in an effort to bring your body closer to his, like that was possible. Your brain turned to fluff as you kissed back with just as much passion. You parted for only a second.

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