Todoroki Shouto x Reader- Happiness

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So yeah, apparently today was Todoroki's birthday and I didn't realize it but I was super stressed today because my computer charger isn't working ya go! Wish I had a boyfriend like Todoroki and a friend like Kamanari, but one can only dream T-T

I am the Sand Guardian! Guardian of the Sand!

"(Y/N)? Why are you calling me at three in the morning?" Todoroki questions.

"It's not charging! Todo you gotta come over here and do the thing you did last time!" Your panicked voice came through.

"It's three am (Y/N), as much as I love you I'm not going over your house just to flip a charger"
"Please! It's at 20%! That won't get me through the school day tomorrow!"
"Well you said it charged at school right?"
"Yeah but now it won't charge at my house! You've gotta help me fix it!"
"Just call Kaminari to charge it"
"You didn't think of that did you?"
"No...I'll get back to you" Todoroki sighed and put his phone back on his nightstand, that was you alright, you always called at weird hours. Though this was semi-important, you were always on your computer, drawing or talking with online friends or writing, it was always something. Todoroki knew how much that computer meant to you and even though it was late and he wanted you to get some sleep he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for you.

-Timeskip an hour-

I am the Sand Guardian! Guardian of the Sand!

Poseidon quivers before him!
F*ck off!
I am the Sand Guardian! Guardian of the Sand!

"(Y/N)...?" Todoroki groans.

"He got caught"
"Kaminari, he got caught by his parents, and apparently he was such a playboy that they don't believe he has to come over and charge my computer."
"Just have him do it in the morning?"
"Why not?"
"He's grounded now"
"I meant during school, like at lunch"
"But he sits with Bakugou, and Bakugou is scary"
"I'll handle it, but you need to be ready to have your phone to keep you occupied while your computer charges. I'll need your phone charger too."
"Ok, thank you Todo!"
"Your welcome (Y/N), get some rest please"
"I will! Thanks again!" And with that you hung up.


You and Todoroki walked to school like you normally would.

"So why do I need my phone charger?"
"You'll see"

"Ok" Todoroki squeezed your hand in reassurance. He didn't know how it felt personally, but he knew that computer was your life and you were struggling to keep it together. You squeezed it back as Todoroki was struggling to find an ice breaker. You were usually the one to talk and keep conversation going, he was fully convinced you had 101 icebreakers in your mind for when a conversation lulled. Todoroki had one but he knew it would get you upset it was the classic 'how was your day?' one and he figured that wouldn't fly. He just wanted to keep you talking, just to distract you from your current predicament, even if it's only for a few minutes.

" did you get a vine to be my ringtone for you?" Todoroki questions, it was the only thing he could come up with.
"What? You don't like it?"
"No it's not that, I was just curious, I wanted to assign some vines to some of my other classmates."
"Like what?"
"The Gotta Go Fast one for Iida"
" know that's the Sonic themesong right?"

"Any others?"
"The potato on a fan vine for Kaminari"
"Oh my god! That makes so much sense!"
"Yeah, I was also thinking the 'why you always lying' vine too"

"For who?"
"Because he always says he isn't going to break anymore bones but he always does." You almost choked on your own spit, because what he said was true! The corner of Todoroki's lips turned up in a smile, he was glad to get you back to your normal self, even if it was for a little while.


"Give me your computer and phone charger" Todoroki held out his hand.
"Ok..." you handed the stuff to him and he pulled off the hub and plugged the end into your computer before walking over to the table.

"What's he doing?" Uraraka questions.
"Well my computer wasn't charging at my house so I wanted to get Kaminari over to charge it, but he got grounded because he got caught by his parents, so Todo told me he'll get Kaminari to charge it during lunch because Bakugou scares me."
"Wow, that's really nice of him (Y/N)"
"He must know how important that computer is to you to do that"
"Yes, one day I strive to have a relationship like you and Todoroki someday (Y/N)"
"Aw, thanks Iida"

"Um (Y/N)...what's Todoroki doing...?"
"What're you...oh god"
"You watched Todoroki shove your phone charger into Kaminari's mouth. Bakugou began roaring with laughter at Kaminari's predicament.
"That computer better be charged when I get back" he tells him, the poor Pikachu could only sweat and nod his head.
"Good" and with that Todoroki walked back to where you were.

"You didn't have to be so mean to him Todo"
"I wasn't mean to him, I just wanted to scare him so he'll charge your computer faster"

"What? Why?" "Because I know you're concerned about your computer and I know how much it means to you. I just want you to be satisfied with the charge until you can have your computer fixed. I don't like it when you're frowning or not talking on our way to school." "Aww thanks Todo! You're the best!" You grin, hugging him, Todoroki froze for a few minutes. He wasn't yet used to showing public affection for you in public, so hugs in public were rare, but he eventually got used to it and put his arms around you. You looked up at him, grin still present. "See? That's exactly what I wanted to see" Todoroki, in a moment of courage kissed your nose. "What?" "Your happiness" you and Todoroki continued to hug for the rest of lunch, food and background forgotten as your friends and class began trying to take discreet pictures of you two being cute while Kaminari was crying because he couldn't eat his food with your charger in his mouth and he was afraid to get Todoroki's wrath if he took it out of his mouth for a second or tried to charge the computer super fast and fried the circuitry.

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