What you do on your day off
Lazy days all the way! If you have a day off you will go to Peter's room with a pillow and a blanket and you two would be super lazy together in like, everything. You would spend the whole day watching cheesy romance movies and cuddling with eating doritos/ cookies and napping, lots and lots of napping. But every time you wake up Peter will always be there with a lazy good morning kiss. Even if it isn't morning anymore. You guys still enjoy your time together.
Scarlet Spider:
Training. He does not see a day off as an excuse to slack, but you whine and pout and give him your puppy eyes until he gives in and you swing through the city, which is a compromise because not only do you find it calming but it's also a good way to train too. You guys kinda do this all day, though you do stop whenever either of you gets hungry (it's usually you to be honest) to get a bite to eat. Yes you stop crime here and there but it's really small and minor stuff, so it's really easy. You guys kinda hang out on a roof while eating your pizza or whatever you got. You talk a little, mostly about stupid stuff and while you have a lot of fun, Scarlet secretly enjoys it too.
Agent Venom:
You guys, like Peter, are really lazy in the morning and don't even change out of your pajamas until after 12. But after that you guys get super active, you even join up with Luke and his s/o to play some football in the park. Though while they have to leave for whatever reason you guys stay out until 2 in the morning doing a lot of different stuff and experiencing all New York has to offer. You even change to your hero outfits and scale the tallest building and hang out there and enjoy the view.
Iron Spider:
Like Scarlet, he focuses on his work, it's just in his lab. And while you do take the morning to sleep in and be lazy, you do miss your smart, sassy and smol boyfriend and go to the lab to see him working. You watch him, ask questions and help where you can. For about an hour before you ask him to go out and get ice cream or something with him. Literally anything. First he doesn't want to do anything but you give him your puppy eyes and he gives up and lets you drag him to the ice cream shop you like to go to. But on your way back to headquarters he sees an arcade and you end up spending the rest of the day playing arcade games and winning cheesy prizes.
Tutoring. Harry isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, he is smart it just takes him awhile to learn things and comprehend them. But at the speed you guys are going in your classes, if it weren't for his battle skill he probably would be doing worse than he is. So you often tutor him and while you guys do sleep in a little more you'll take this opportunity to hit the books and help Harry as much as possible and everytime he gets a question right or understands a concept you give him a peck on the lips and a 'good job'. Though sometimes you might get sidetracked doing...... ...things.... .You guys do get to go out and eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is a nice change from the usual SHIELD cafeteria food. Not that it isn't great but the places Harry takes you are better.
Iron Fist:Walking, and possible picture taking. Depending on the season, you walk in certain areas. Except for winter, you guys like to cuddle up with cups of cocoa and marathon Christmas specials in bed. You guys will just spend your whole day walking, hand-in-hand around New York and kinda touristing a little. You take pictures of a lot of landscapes and sights and even each other when you aren't looking. It's really fun, peaceful and calming. You do sometimes stop for a quick bite or to sit and rest while looking over your pictures.
Football. You guys like playing against Flash and his s/o in the park. Though you do sleep in and stay another two hours extra in bed because you rarely ever get days off. Though after the game you like to go see a movie, it's usually a DC superhero movie. Even though you're superheroes you like other superhero universes that people come up with. Then after the movie you would most likely walk around together, talk about the movie and possibly eat lunch and/or dinner depending on the time of day.
Video games. Nova is a big video gamer and he'll take absolutely any free time to play video games. You guys often play games like Mario Kart or other games where you can play as two people together. Though is any competitive game you guys will start playfully pushing and shoving each other in order to try to win. But if you really want to win you'll kiss his cheek because even though you've been dating a long time, he still flusters easily when you give him random affection. Though both tactics for trying to win a game of Mario Kart sometimes lead to um...things...And you guys don't really eat straight meals during your game-a-thon. You guys just go to the nearest store, buy chips and a ton of soda. Then whenever you get hungry or thirsty you just have some chips and soda. It might be unhealthy but it's your day off, you get to do what you want.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...