Razer x reader pt.3 - Forever and Always

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This was requested by Wingstar, sorry it's so short compared to the others. I also feel like that would be what Razer's Blue Lantern form would look like. Anyway, onto the oneshot!

You heard the door open and close to your apartment as you were preparing dinner.

"Well this is a surprise" Razer's voice came from the doorway as you turned around.

"Yeah, I managed to finish my paper early, and because you were having a rough time at work I thought I could make something for us." You answer, turning to smile at your boyfriend. Who had an upset look on his face.
"Razer...what happened?" You ask him.

"Work" he answers, already taking off his jacket and hat Razer worked as a security guard at a nearby hospital. The pay was good and it was only a temporary job, until you finished college. Which wouldn't be for two more years, you began living with Razer last year, after stopping another intergalactic war Razer was greeted with a blue lantern ring. He never told you what he hoped for so strongly that he got his new ring. Luckily Guardian Ganthet agreed that he should stay on Earth, as a precaution in case if there were anymore skeletons in a closet for the Guardians.

"Nothing too bad I hope"
"No...don't worry about it" Razer leaned on the counter next to you.

"I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to worry" you answer.

"I know...I hope your day was better than mine at least"
"Yeah, like I said before I really buckled down and finished my paper. I only had, like two classes today, I've got a powerpoint presentation that's due next week and a small art analysis that I have to finish and turn in before the end of the week. But hey, it could've been worse right?" You ask Razer.

"Yeah...right..." you turned back to your cooking preparations before turning your head to Razer.
"Razer, what's up?"
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" Razer denies.
"You obviously have something on your mind, what is it? C'mon you can tell me" you reassure him.
"I don't get it"
"Get what? Is it another earth tradition?"
"No not that, something else"
"Well, what is it?"
"If you have so much to do, why are you doing this? You should be studying for your test and doing your homework."
"Razer....the teachers gave me plenty of time for assignments, besides I'm pretty much all by myself when you're at work and I'm not in my classes so I have more than enough time to complete my work and study for my tests during the day. I don't think my grades will suffer that much if I spend a night or two cooking dinner for you when you get home from work." Razer just nodded as you continued to make dinner. He helped you get certain ingredients and set the table for the two of you.

"So my friends from the Team want to meet you"

"What else is new?" Razer grunted, showing his uninterest in this subject you brought up constantly. That was when you lost it, Jason was dead, and you almost lost Aya. You were doing your best to keep it together. Your hand tightened to a fist as tears flowed down your cheeks.
"Razer...please...you just have to go once. I'm not asking that much....I...I know you don't like people that much...b...but please..." you didn't notice Razer get up and walk next to you, squatting so he was eye-level with you. He took your white-knuckled fist within his own two hands.

"(Y/N), I'll go, I'll go for you" you looked at him as your frown turned to a shaky smile, the tears still flowing. You hugged Razer and he hugged back.
"T...thank you...thank you so much" you cry. You just needed to let it all out, and Razer knew it too. After you were sure everything was out you wiped your stray tears away.
"Sorry about that, I guess I needed to get it all out" you sniffle.

"Don't be, I know it's hard, but you have something I didn't" Razer tells you, giving your upper arm a reassuring squeeze.
"W...what's that?" You ask.

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