Natsu x Juvia - Hope

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Requested by katie_the_lobster, hope you like it fam!

"So then the guildmaster shows up and *cough* *cough* *cough* then he goes into his usual evil mongrolcog"
"It's monologue"
"Yeah that's what I just said! Anyway so he starts talking and I'm already burning the ropes away and *cough* *cough* *cough*, and then I *cough* *cough* *cough* then I use my fire dragon iron fist in his face!" Natsu grins.
"Natsu are you ok? You've been coughing an awful lot lately" Wendy observes.

"I'm fine! It's just a *cough* *cough* *cough* cold, I'll get better in a few days" he brushes it off while also brushing off some of the ash that fell on the table.

"Are you sure? Last time I checked coughing ash isn't part of a regular cold"
"Yeah Natsu, maybe you should see Mrs. Porlyusica, she might be able to help you" Lucy spoke worriedly.

"No I don't-"
"Natsu" Erza glares warningly at him.
"Fine, fine, I'll see her" he began sweating bullets before Erza nodded.


"I still don't see why you dragged me along, brat" Makarov spoke.

"B...because *cough* if I go by myself *cough* she'll *cough* she'll beat me with her broom *cough*" Makarov sighed.

"Very well, let's keep going" he knocked on the door and Porlyusica answered it with broom in hand.

"Makarov, what do you want?" Porlyusica asks.
"Natsu has a nasty cough that has been persisting for far too long to be any normal cold, we were hoping you could take a look at him" Makarov spoke as Natsu began busting out into a fit of coughs, ash and dying embers left his lips.

"Come in, I'll take a look at him" she stepped out of the way letting the three enter.


"You can't use your fire dragon roar" Porlyusica states blankly.
"What?!" Happy and Natsu shout before Natsu began hacking, Happy went to pat his back as if that could help.
"You heard me, you've been using the roar your dragon taught you with much frequence, your lungs couldn't take the heat anymore so they are starting to wither. I can give you medication that can help strengthen your lungs. But I suggest you don't use it until I tell you that you can, got it?"
"Got it, but what if I use it *cough* too *cough* *cough* too soon" Natsu answers.

"Your health will begin to deteriorate until your lungs cannot function and you will die. Just make sure to take the medication as directed on the bottle and when it runs out come straight here no matter the hour and I'll re-examine you." Mrs. Porlyusica tells him, giving him a dark blue bottle, the directions said to pour three drops into a cup of water before and after bed.

"Thank *cough* *cough* Thank you"
"Just take the medicine and try to stay out of trouble"
"Aye sir! I'll keep an eye on him for you!" Happy salutes.
"Thank you Porlyusica"
"Just keep a better eye on your brats Makarov" Porlyusica 'hmphs' as they left her hut.


In the coming days Natsu's coughing all but stopped, he would only cough ash about once a day but it was a small cough. He decided not to tell his friends about the condition of his lungs, he didn't want to have them concerned over an issue that may not even be a problem. Though everyone on Team Natsu noticed that Natsu doesn't even use his fire dragon roar anymore or with the same frequency he used to. Whenever he was questioned about it he would just change the subject to literally anything then Gray would get fed up with his dodgy behavior and they would fight which would distract everyone from the subject. Only Gajeel assumed what was going on with Natsu, he remembered Metalicana warned him not to use too much of one spell, he figured that flame-brained idiot did exactly that. Wendy must not have been warned or was too oblivious to notice.

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