Eijirou Kirishima x reader- Best Night Ever!

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"Oh sweetie you look so cute!" Your Mom comments, seeing you in your dress, you blush.

"Thanks Mom" your parents took pictures of you before your Dad drove you to U.A
"Have fun, alright?" Your Dad tells you.
"I will Dad, if Uraraka wasn't going to Homecoming then I probably wouldn't have gone either. I'll just stay a few hours then text you that I want to go home."
"Alright, but I'll keep my phone with me at all times just in case"
"K, thanks Dad" he pulled up to the front of the school.
"Have fun"
"I will" you walked inside in your dress, you gave Midnight your ticket as she added you to the list. She heavily complimented your outfit and you walked into the gym. It was completely transformed. The lights were beyond off and there was a DJ booth up front as President Mic was DJing with lasers going all around it. Since it was so dark you couldn't see Uraraka so you waited by the trashcan. Tetsutetsu came over at one point and you greeted him before making a joke about how you were by the trash where you belonged. He laughed before going to join his friends. Then you saw Uraraka with Deku, Iida and Su you went over and told them about how you were waiting by the trashcan for five minutes and feeling awkward. After they got in their tickets you followed them inside and put your stuff in one of the folded up bleachers before going to dance. You haven't been to a party in two years so you tried your best to mimic your friends' dance moves without feeling like an idiot. You jumped up and down to the beat and pumped your fist in the air, feeling the beat resonate in your chest. Uraraka got thirsty and you guys went to the cafeteria seeing Halloween themed food everywhere.

"Hey (Y/N)" It was Mina and Jirou.

"Hey guys how're you?"
"Good, how about you?"
"I'm good, this is my first dance in years though"
"Oh you're doing great, but you look even better in that dress."
"Thanks Mina"
"You know I kinda feel bad for Kirishima and Sero over there, they're just sitting there and playing on their phones" Jirou points out, you look behind you and saw Kirishima, your longtime crush playing on his phone with Sero.

"Yeah..." you were beginning to contemplate on asking Kirishima to slowdance with you when the slowdance songs came on, if they did. It was your first Homecoming and you didn't know if Mic played slowdance songs.
"Hey guys, have you been to Homecoming before?" You ask your friends.
"Yeah" Uraraka answers.
"Why is there something wrong?"
"No, I was just wondering when the slow songs begin"
"Not sure"
"Alright I got my sprite let's get back out there!" Uraraka cheers.


You went several times like this before sitting with Jirou and Mina. The whole time you and your friends danced you were kinda outside the friend dance circle whenever you were dancing, you tried not to let it get to you and as your friends were getting more food you opted to rest your feet for a bit, ditching your shoes a long time ago.
"Hey guys?" You ask, licking the frosting from your cupcake as your friends were getting food and drinks.

"Yeah (Y/N)?"
"Do you know when the slow songs start?"
"No, why?"
"Well um, I was wondering if you knew when the slow songs start"
"No not really why?" Jirou asks.
"Now don't you tell anyone this or else I'll come to your house or beat you with a tennis racket"
"You don't know where we live but ok" Mina shrugs.
"Alright, here goes...I was hoping to ask Kirishima to dance with me" Mina became all excited.
"Oh my gosh! You guys would make such a cute couple! You should go ask him right now!" Mina tells you.
"But I gotta finish my cupcake first tho" you say in a whiney high-pitched tone while licking the frosting again.

"Wait they have cupcakes?"
"Yeah over there"
"Ooh, imma get a cupcake" Mina ran over and grabbed one.
"Are there any more?" Jirou asks.
"Yeah, there's like ten"
"Excuse me for a moment" she got up and grabbed a cupcake before sitting with you guys again. Mina kept wiggling her eyebrows at you and kept whispering 'finish da cupcake' and when you did she got so excited.
"Are you gonna ask him?" She asks practically bouncing on her toes.
"I gotta throw this out first"
"Oh, do you want us to come with you, we can be your backup" Mina grinned, you sighed as you threw out the wrapper, approaching Kirishima's group. Denki stopped talking and looked up at you so did Sero and Kirishima.

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