Gray x Meilin pt. 3- Yes

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This was requested by Wingstar hope you enjoy fam

"Ugh, it's so boring!" Gray groans,his eyes closed as he leans against Meilin, Muchu copying his action and leaning against Meilin's book instead.

"Is it really that hard to keep yourself entertained when Natsu and Lucy go on a job together for like, a day?" Meilin asks with slight amusement.

"Yes, the guild is so much more quiet now, it's so boring!" Gray whines slightly.
"Aww poor baby" Meilin cooes teasingly, pressing a kiss to Gray's forehead.
"Don't patronize me" Gray mutters, cracking open an eye. He sees the book she's reading and turns on his side.
"What're you reading?"

"A book"
"Just an old ancient epic. Levy loaned it to me."
"I don't understand, epic what?"

"No Gemstone, an epic is just a very long poem, it's actually quite interesting"
"Well I can't read it, so I assume it's in another language" Meilin hummed in response.

"Figures, you're so smart Snowflake"
"Well you aren't too bad yourself, Gemstone" Meilin answers.

"Thanks babe"
"Your welcome"


"Meilin! There's an emergency request for you!" Mira announces, waving the job request. Meilin got up and walked over, Mira giving her the request. She read it over.
"I'll be there as soon as I can"

"I should only be gone for a few days, there's enough leftovers in the fridge for that long for yourself, Muchu has his fruit too. Please try not to get into too many fights and try not to lose 90% of your clothes while I'm gone." Meilin lectures as she packed her suitcase.

"Shouldn't I be telling you all this?" Gray asks, leaning on the doorframe of their shared bedroom.

"I'll be fine Gemstone, I'm a dragonslayer after all. Besides, it's a small village, they're probably exaggerating because of their inexperience with magic." She answers with a smile, picking up her suitcase off the bed and rolling it to the doorway. Stopping in front of Gray.

"I know you want to come with me...but-"
"You don't want me in the way"
"Gray it's not that, they only want me to go. If anyone else comes, it could be dangerous. Besides, I need you here, to take care of Muchu." Meilin placed her hand on Gray's cheek, Gray's hand reflexively went over hers, leaning into her warm touch and placing a kiss on her palm.

"I'm going to miss you" Gray whispers.
"I know and I'll miss you too" Meilin answers. Gray pulled her closer to him, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this job. He rested his forehead against hers, his thumb running over her knuckles, as he stared lovingly into her eyes before leaning closer and gently kissing her lips. Hoping to get her to stay with kisses. His other hand tenderly gripped her waist as his lips left her mouth and trailed down to her jawline before going to her neck. Muchu put his tail over his eyes before lifting them up slightly to watch.

"Gray....I need to go..." Meilin groans.

"Please...just stay...a little longer" Gray mumbles into her neck.

"Gray...I can't...those villagers need me..."
"I need you..."
"I'll only be gone for a few days...I'll be back...promise" Meilin gently guided Gray's face so he was looking into her eyes. Gray pulled her into a tight hug.

"Just remember I love you snowflake." Gray mutters, Meilin smiled and hugged him back.
"I know, I love you too"


It turns out the villagers weren't over exaggerating, if anything they were under exaggerating the mission. Which was a dark guild set up base not too far off from their village and it was causing them big trouble. There were too many for Meilin and if it weren't for Laxus passing through Meilin could've very well died, though it wasn't like she wasn't too far off from it. Laxus knew she would get better healing from the guild so he bandaged her up the best he could, not trusting the villagers and brought her back two days after she was supposed to be back. Now Gray was worried beyond anything, and seeing Laxus kick open the guild doors with Meilin in his arms.

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