Blue Beetle and Thunder endings

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Wanted to put them in their own separate chapters but they were too short so here you go kiddies! 

Thunder's ending

"Thunder" he broke out into a smile before it fell as he looked at Blue. He didn't look that affected, but he was muttering things to himself as if he was part of a one-sided conversation.

"I'm sorry Blue, but I've barely even talked to you"
"Yes, I understand, I wish you the best (H/N)" he gave you a half-hearted, wry smile before leaving your room. Thunder walked toward her.
"He will be fine, he has a strong will. I've seen many humans face rejection just like he through the clouds and they move on to do great things" Thunder reassures you, placing a hand on your shoulder, you looked up at him.

"You think so?" Thunder nodded in confirmation with a small smile.
"Yes, I do. I am glad you chose me (H/N)."

"Yeah, me too, though I'm wondering how Lightning will react." Thunder chuckled at the thought.
"He will be excited, he has tried to get me to confess to you for quite some time now"
"Is that so?"

"I HEARD THE NEWS! BUT DON'T YOU THINK THAT BECAUSE YOU STARTED DATING MEANS YOU DRIFT OFF FROM ME BROTHER!!" Lightning kicked your door open with a giant grin and two coffees in hand.

"Oh! I also figured out how to use the coffee maker!"

"I would not even imagine such a thing brother" Thunder chuckles.

"Here's your (F/D), (H/N)!"
" door..."

Blue's Ending

"Blue Beetle" you looked up and it took him a second to realize that you said his name.

"" He mumbles, you nodded meekly before turning to Thunder.

"I'm sorry Thunder, but your more like a brother to me than anything. I hope we can be the same band we always are in the future" you smile, he offered you a small smile back.

"Excuse me, I feel like my brother got attacked by the coffee maker" he spoke before leaving.

It seems you have won the (H/N)'s affections Jaime Reyes, even though you have ignored my warnings about genetic compatibility the scarab spoke and Blue couldn't tell if the scarab was complimenting or insulting him.

"Why me? You seem so much closer with the others than you do me" Blue spoke.

"I don't know....I guess I felt an unexplained attraction to you...though as much as I wanted to pursue it and talk to you, I'm not exactly the most comfortable around new people." You answer nervously.

"Yeah...I would've talked to you but you seem like you're doing such important stuff, I didn't want to bother you."

"You wouldn't have bothered me"
"Yeah, most of the stuff I was doing was looking at memes"
"Huh" an awkward silence filled the room.
"So um...what should we do now?"
"I um...I think this is the part where you ask me out..."
"Oh, right, how about friday night we'll go see the new Venom movie?"
"Friday sounds perfect" you smile as he began walking backwards out of your room.

"O...ok then, see you Friday! Or well...technically we see each other all the time around the tower but um...but you know what I mean...gotta go get those" he smiled nervously and you smiled back as he left your room before celebrating to himself.
"Uh Blue?" You ask.
"The door was open"
"O...oh, whoops, hehe..." he slowly slid behind the corner where he began celebrating to himself again. apparently I got the dates for the SHED writing conference and it's tomorrow in Connecticut but we may not have it b/c of snow and delays and god I really hope we don't have a delay. Tho I don't know if any of you live in Connecticut and are going to this thing, but if you are I'm gonna put a little lightning bolt in the corner of my nametag and if you're going approach me and say 'you didn't read Harry Potter in eight months did you?' and if I say 'yes' then it's me. Tho my tired brain might explain it a little more.

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