Rex x reader Soulmate AU- Shared Pain

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AU where you receive the same injuries your soulmate gets but you can help heal those wounds

Requested by Naturewarrior300 hope you like it fam! (^-^)/

(P/G)- Popular Guy

The first time you got hurt was when you were seven, you got a mysterious deep cut on your knee, your parents gave you the soulmate talk. They explained into more detail what your teacher briefly touched on, when you got hurt your soulmate got hurt and when your soulmate got hurt you would feel it. Then after the Event your soulmate got hurt a lot more and it broke your heart to see or feel some of the stuff your soulmate went through. You wondered what they did at so young, were they an E.V.O being targeted by Providence? A soldier fighting the E.V.Os? The first was more likely than the latter. That was how you decided to go into the medical profession, so when you did meet your soulmate you would be able to take better care of them than just bandaging the wounds you got and putting some neosporin on them. The worst it got was when you were only twelve-fourteen, the injuries happened randomly, like you could be in anatomy and you could find a giant gash on your body somewhere and if you didn't notice it someone in your class was bound to. Rumors quickly spread that your soulmate was some kind of contract killer/ thief/ heavy metal dude that didn't care/ daredevil/ E.V.O, the rumors varied throughout the school, but being the insecure teen you were those rumors hurt. It was a possibility that your soulmate was all of those things but as long as he or she cared about you and loved you, you were alright with that. The rumors only grew as time went on, but you did your best to ignore them, instead pouring everything into becoming a doctor. After fourteen the consistency was less often, but it was still most often than others. Your only friend was (B/F/N), her soulmate had depression so they cut, she was studying to be a psychologist so when she met her soulmate she could help them, she also bandaged the cuts and properly took care of them. She suspected your soulmate was a daredevil of some kind but instead of hating it she thought it was pretty neat, he'll be super strong and not afraid of danger so when you meet he can protect you! You smiled at the thought, at sixteen (B/F/N) found this special stick that can irritate the skin, sending a messages to them to help them. It was working as far as you could tell, it's almost been a year since her relationship has been improving with her soulmate. You were both now seventeen and in math class, trig to be exact. When you felt like someone punched your jaw, and kicked you into the wall, you felt your jaw become swollen and your back was bruised. You already knew there was nothing the nurse could do so you just stayed silent.

"Hey look! (Y/N)'s soulmate is at it again! I guess he really hates you huh!" (P/G) laughed. The teacher sent him a harsh glare, you've talked to him before when you were doing test corrections and somehow got on the topic of soulmates. Apparently his soulmate was some kind of rebel tomboy that somehow managed to get hurt, whether it was bruises or bleeding knuckles, hell the occasional broken bone. Back then a lot of kids would get hurt and hurt their soulmates so it was more common and accepted, but now, not so much.

"(P/G), I will not tolerate that kind of talk in my class, so you can either apologize to (Y/N) and be quiet for the rest of class or go to the Principal's office." He scolds him, he 'tched'.

"Yeah right, like I'm going to apologize to that freak, bye" he got up from his seat and left the room. Your teacher quickly called the office and said that if he wasn't down there in five minutes it was an instant detention. He then began to quiet the classroom before continuing the lesson.


After you patched yourself up in the bathroom you went to lunch.
"Soulmate again?" (B/F/N) asks.
"Yup" you answer, sitting down and banging your head on the table with a groan.

"What happened?" She sighs.

" you think my soulmate...might hate me?" You ask.
"What? Where'd you get that from?"
"(P/G)....he said it in trig class today...."
"Now you listen here, your soulmate loves you, sure they may or may not be caught up in some crap right now but when you finally meet they'll love you with all of their heart you wanna know why? Because your frickin' awesome, that's why, so don't you dare start thinking that your soulmate hates you when you don't even know who your soulmate is, ok?" (B/F/N) tells you. You smiled.

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