*Spoiler warning for Season 8, you've had to have seen at least until ep 4 to understand what is going on...kinda, you have been warned*
"Go take a walk, where?! There's nowhere to go here! I never should've trusted Dr. Jace or else I would still be in Markovia with my brother!" Brion rants to himself, seeing as how he was nowhere he decided to let off a little steam by shouting at nothing. Though he stopped when he saw something out of the corner of his eye is that...water? He hid behind a tree and sneakily (not really, any trained assassin would've heard him within a mile) made his way to the source of the water.
"Ok so she goes like this and this- splat good thing I'm wearing a bathing suit" a teen shrugged as her clothes got drenched by the water she was trying to manipulate.
"Alrighty, one more time, this, that, bam!" She made a ball of water come out of the ocean and hit a random rock before it turned to ice.
"Do you always talk to yourself when your practicing?" Brion questions, not seeing her as a threat, more like him in the level of control she had. She jumped back in surprise as she was in the middle of trying it again splat again another ball of water landed on her."Dammit...uh...you aren't going to tell anyone about this...right?"
"I think we're more similar than you think, may I?"
"Oh...um yeah...sure" you stepped to the side to let him do whatever he wanted to do, he stuck his hand in the ground as the beach began to heat up. She watched him with wide eyes as he threw a ball of molten sand at the rock she previously aimed at, though it didn't go too far."Y...you're a meta too?" She questions, almost amazed.
"Yes, I am, how did you escape?"
"I wasn't abducted, this kinda just...developed...I guess...I'm 100% cage free" she jokes but he kinda just stared at her with this 'wtf' look.
"Get it? Because teens are usually abducted for the meta gene to be activated....mine just did...I referenced it to eggs...you know because they're cage free....? Yeah..." she explains rather awkwardly, not many had a sense of humor that she did, and even then he probably got his meta gene in a lab so he wouldn't find it funny."O....k, I am Brion Makarov and you are?" He went to go shake with his still-molten hand before realizing his error and switching, which made her laugh as you shook his regular hand.
"Makarov? As in Master Makarov of Fairy Tail?"
"Never mind, I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" you smile at him."It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N), what were you studying on your device?"
"Oh, there's this old show I used to watch called Avatar the Last Airbender. It's really great but I noticed one of the main characters, her name is Katara, has the same- or similar powerset to me so I go through each episode and watch her moves and replicate them." You answer showing him the episode you were watching that was currently paused."Do you uh...do you think that this show could help me?"
"Well there are a few lava benders in the show, why don't you watch it in your free time then you can meet me here tomorrow to practice together."
"That...sounds like a plan, thank you (Y/N)""No problem" you smile.
Over the days you and Brion had a friendship of sorts, at first you would just meet up, watch each other fail and laugh but you began talking over text. Well it was mostly you talking at 2 am and Brion telling you for the thousandth time to go to sleep.
"You know I'm afraid of water" you spoke as you sat next to Brion as he tried to brood while staring at the sunset dramatically.
"What? You? But you seem to be so calm and relaxed by the ocean"
"Nah, I'm frickin' terrified, it's taking literally everything I have to not run away right now"
"Then if your scared why do you stay?"
"For some godamn reason I have these water powers, I think it's the universe telling me that I'm being stupid and now I have no choice but to be by the ocean, because I have to control it" you shrug, "and plus having someone with me kinda helps."

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...