Ciel x Maid! Reader- Tea Time

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This was requested by Angel , hope you enjoy it fam!

You were a maid of the Phantomhive manor, your parents worked at the manor before they died of some health conditions that came with working here. So now it was your duty to look after the manor and your new master, Ciel Phantomhive. You were one of the more competent workers of the Phantomhive manor and often tried to help the others with their tasks. Sebastian was obviously better than you and seemed to hate you for some reason. You never understood it, you were more helpful than the others and always completed your tasks on time.

"Hey (Y/N)! Can I see your drawings pretty, pretty please?" Finny begs after you just helped him with weeding. You loved drawing and writing stories, you always kept your drawing book close. Well it wasn't a book, it was more of a stack of papers that you've collected from Ciel's trash bin that were the start of letters to others and people he's in business with. You made sure to cover the writing with some spare white paint that you used very sparingly, especially if it was almost full with words. You never read them, you were living in a completely different world than Master Ciel so you had no right to. You also had some charcoal from cleaning some of the fire places around the manor, you always kept a piece with you and always drew everyone doing their everyday duties or other things, you even drew Ciel sometimes. Though you had less pictures of him because Sebastian was always around. Your friends Finny and Mei-Rin enjoyed looking at your sketchbook greatly while Baldroy claimed that it would get you in trouble with the Master if Sebastian ever found out. The pages were bound with some old string you found and they've kept together pretty well through the years.

"Sure" you pulled the small book out of your apron and gave it to him, leaning on his shoulder as you watched him flip through.
"Wow (Y/N)! You really have a talent for this, I bet if you got some real training you would be the best painter in all of London!" Finny grins, you shyly looked away.

"Yeah right, like that's ever going to happen" you mutter.

"Aww chin up don't be like that! We've got it pretty good here, besides you never know what'll happen in the future. You're very bright and talented so something good is destined to happen soon. I just know it." Finny encourages you, you smile.
"Thanks Finny, you have a real talent for cheering people up"

"And what is going on over here?" Finny, hearing Ciel's voice, quickly gave you the book which you stuffed in your apron.

"Ah Master Ciel! Me and (Y/N) just finished sprucing up the garden! We thought maybe we could take a quick breather before helping Mei-Rin-"
"Well your break is over, so get back to work" Ciel orders.

"Yes Master Ciel, come on Finny let's go" You pulled Finny away as you ran to go help Mei-Rin, out of earshot from Sebastian and Ciel.

"I don't get what you see in her Young Master" Sebastian comments, clicking his tongue. He found you nothing but trouble, sure you were efficient but you were never neat, organized and most importantly professional. Your side of the maid quarters was a mess, somehow even though you didn't have that much stuff. You often did weird things, like hum random tunes or telling the strangest and silliest stories to the others during a large scale cleaning or during the servant meals between the bites of food that Sebastian would prepare. He also found that as of late the Young Master has been distracted during his lessons, he almost immediately figured out it was your doing.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you were jealous Sebastian"
"That is not it at all, there are many fine, noble girls that could easily be your bride to be. I just don't see why instead of a composed, sophisticated young woman you would take such interest in a peasant like her."

"Don't speak of her so, she is much more than a peasant Sebastian"
"Very well Young Master, but I just don't get it. I don't get it at all." However Sebastian had a plan, he saw that notebook, if he even could call it that, before you put it in your apron. He had a hunch you stole it from Ciel. If he learned anything from human nature he knew masters hated their servants stealing from them. So that night he used his demon powers to sneak into your room and stole the sketchbook from your apron.

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