Rex x reader Soulmate AU- Shared Pain pt. 2

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Requested by Maricruz2004, I did my best to make this fluffier than the industrial revolution XD

"Do we have to do this now?" Rex groans.

"Yes! You're my soulmate, and I want my parents to get to know you, the real you. You'll be fine Rexie." You answer, kissing his cheek, he just turned a little pink and begrudgingly let you pull him along to your house. He's always either walked you to your house or drove you after dates. You squeezed his hand in reassurance and he squeezed back. You knew he was nervous, but you also knew that your parents liked him, well your Mom thought he was sweet, walking you to your doorstep and giving you a kiss goodnight on your forehead. (She watched through the window near the door). Your Dad on the other hand, he was still protective of you and his first impression of Rex wasn't exactly a good one for him. A stranger hugging his little girl? He still needed a little convincing. You walked up the stars with Rex following you, come on Rex, you've fought EVOs the size of buildings! It's just a little dinner with (Y/N)'s parents, you'll be fine, Oh god, what if you mess up and her parents keep her from seeing you or convince her that you're bad news,

"Stop it"
"S...stop what? I'm not doing anything"
"I know that face, you're coming up with worst case scenario stuff" you stood in front of him and put your hands on his shoulders, rubbing circles with your thumb.
"I love you Rexie, and so will my parents I promise"
"But what if they don't, a lot of people know what I do and I'm on the news constantly what if...what if they know I'm an EVO, what if they know and don't like me for just that reason?"
"Rex my Mom already knows about you"
"She does? How?"
"She watches us from the window when you say goodnight to me after our dates, and by the way, she thinks your awesome."
"Really?" He seemed to brighten at this, you nodded.

"Uh, what about your Dad?"
"He'll take a little convincing, but if anyone can convince him that you're perfect for me it's you" you tell him, he smiles, his self-esteem going up a few levels just by the sheer confidence you have in him.
"Alright, let's go..." You hummed in content and pecked his lips.

"Alright follow me" you open the door and took of your shoes, Rex doing the same thing after a pause of looking around the house. He's lived at Providence ever since he could remember and the only other house he's been at was Noah's and it was weird not seeing books of various subjects covering every available surface. After taking off his shoes he followed you.
"Oh (Y/N)! Is this your boyfriend? I'm (Y/N)'s mother but you can call me Mom oh this is so exciting, please come in. This is my husband (D/N)" your Father merely grunted doing that behind wave thing while his other hand touched the baseball bat leaning against the couch.

"What? I'm thinking of beating the Patriots coach! That's all!" He defends himself, you roll your eyes.

"Hey Mom, what's for dinner?"
"Just some simple pasta"
"Do you need help?"
"Oh no thanks sweetie I got it, why don't you show Rex your room, but leave the door open please. I don't want any grandbabies anytime soon." You turned red.
"What? I'm just saying..."
"Keep that door open or I break it down with my bat!"

"Alright Dad" he 'humphed' as he continued to watch the game as you led Rex up to your room.

"Whoa, hey I remember these" he grins, pointing to the string of fairy lights across your room that held different photobooth strips of you and Rex at different dates, almost every single one had you two kissing at the second to last one and the last one you would be looking into each others eyes while grinning like dorks. The ones where you were beginning to date were much different, even though Rex acted all confident and suave he was still nervous about kissing you randomly on the lips so it would usually be on the cheek or something. He was usually the one to start the kisses, but sometimes when he either had a rough day or was out of it for whatever reason you would try to cheer him up with a kiss on the cheek or the corner of his lips when you were really feeling bold. Now it was almost tradition that you kissed in the photo booth.

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