Rook x reader - References

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Here is another random Rook oneshot, it's short but cute, so enjoy my dudes!  

"You want us to do what?" You ask your professor, who asked you to get into groups of five to six without telling you what project you were going to do. Of course you chose your friends.

"You heard me, for this project you are going to film yourselves doing a reference battle. Extra credit to not only the one who wins, but the groups who do it in a public place. You'll need at least five minutes of footage." One of your classmates raised their hands as your professor took a sip out of their Star Wars mug.

"How do we know who wins?"
"I will be the one to decide that when I go over your footage. And while you may win extra credit with your group, the person who wins overall will get a special surprise." A dudebro in your class this time raised his hand as your professor nodded to let him speak.
"So what are we supposed to reference exactly?"
"Anything, though I do expect you to make a citation of urls of the videos or scenes you based your video of off and share it with me on Google Docs the date the project is due." Your professor spoke.


Your friends decided to totally improv this.
"Uh, why are we at the Groovy Smoothie?"
"Because it's gross and these people finally deserve to see something awesome for once" your friend, who is currently in a Star Wars cloak with a lightsaber answers.

"But I go here all the time between classes"
"Now they can finally see your talent for improv shine"

"You guys just want to embarrass me because I like Groovy Smoothie and you don't" you grumble.
"We are not licensed to hand out that information" your other friend spoke, since they were the camera person they were also chosen to hold the props. Your professor reassured you they would still get points as long as they heard them at one point or another.

"Ok we're here!" Your other friend in jedi robes announces. They both ran to be across from each other as your camera friend gave them the thumbs up.
"IF SHE BREATHES, SHE'S A THOT!!" Your other friend proceeded to sit on a bench with a bottle of tea.
"All of these people fighting about whether women should be queens or thots, well that's none of my business" she began drinking her tea just like the kermit meme. You did some stuff too but not a lot, being way too socially awkward to do anything extreme. Especially since you go there like every day. There were many memes and references to great things.
"(Y/N) footage is almost up and you barely participated, whatcha gonna do as your final act?" Your camera friend asks you while playing the '411 whatcha smokin'?' thing on his phone for another friend.
"Umm..." your eyes landed on a group of teenagers / young adults. Three were guys and you noticed the two guys sitting just about five feet apart. One of the guys was an alien yes, but it would still work.
"This bitch empty! Yeet!" You threw your empty honeycomb box at a friend who caught it. You walked over to the table and they didn't even notice you before you slammed your hands on the space between them.
"Two bros! Chillin' in a hot tub! Five feet apart 'cause they're not gay!" Then your tall friend grabbed your smol friend and stood on the table while holding them up while Lion King music played in the background. Your friends gathered around and got on one knee while bowing, including you and when you got enough footage your friend switched to the ninja music, in one unintentional motion, you got up, dabbed, did the ninja thing and naruto ran away.

"I hate you guys" you grumble as you met up again.
"Love you too b" your friend grins, slinging their arm around your shoulder.


You waited in line at the Groovy Smoothie as you texted your friends before realizing it was your turn to order.
"Uh I'll have a (F/F) smoothie" you spoke, knowing the charge by heart you began pulling out the five bucks.
"Hey I know that voice! You're the girl who did that hot tub vine when we were at the Groovy Smoothie the other day with Kevin and Gwen!" You heard a voice shout as you grabbed your smoothie. You sighed, it was only a matter of time until someone recognized you. You turned around sheepishly ready to apologize and- wait was that Ben 10? And was that alien with him always cute or did you just notice that?
"Yeah, sorry about that, my professor assigned it to us as a project. I needed to participate more and that was literally the only thing I could come up with." You answer.
"And you saw us and thought of the vine why?"
"I don't know! I panicked because I really needed a good grade for my class, sorry, again" you apologize.

" Ben..perhaps we should just...let it go..." the cute alien suggests.

"What?! You're about as mad as I am about this!"
"Well I believe we should do what earthlings call 'being the bigger person' and she has already apologized and explained the situation. I assume the professor will be the only one to view this video?" He asks you.

"U...uh yeah, as far as I know no one else will see it"
"See Ben? There is no harm done" Ben 10 sighed and pouted, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I'm still mad at you, Gwen's gonna hang this over my head for forever"
"Fair enough" Rook got a beep on something and began to talk into it like it was a radio, it was probably a super futuristic alien radio.

"Ben we should go, there is a situation downtown"
"Aww man, I was so looking forward to a smoothie!"

"The smoothie will have to wait" he got into a van and was about to drive off but you stopped them.

"Wait! I never introduced myself, I'm (Y/N)!" You call running up to the van. 

"I assume you already know Ben, my name is Rook, Rook Blonko" 

"Nice to meet ya, Rook, but if you ever need anything just...let me know" you pulled a business card out of your pocket, it wasn't a fancy one of anything it just had your name, number and your major. Rook looked at it quickly before tucking it into his pocket. 

"Thank you Miss (Y/N), it was nice to meet you as well' Rook nods with a smile before driving away. Your phone went off and you looked at it. 

"Crap!! I'm late for History Through Film!!! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shiiiitttt!" You nyoomed away, avoiding the glares of parents as you swore in front of their young children. You ran to class while sipping your smoothie and trying not to be late. You ended up winning that contest, your teacher gave you a cool ass piece of memorabilia from Star Wars that was autographed by the actor of your favorite character.  

Yeah so...I only have a Memories chapter to work on and then I'll get to the next oneshot. But srsly guys, I have a chem test tomorrow and I'm so scared T-T pray for me guys, pray for me. Until next time tho my dudes! This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

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