Requested by Anonymous, hope you like it, sorry the ending was a little rushed
"This is stupid, I'm not going to get in. Don't say that you will get in! You're a dragonslayer too! But what if the Magic Council enforced a handicap on how many dragonslayers a guild could have, what if the limit is three per guild? Don't say that! You'll at least have a chance, it's better to try and fail than not try at all." You mutter back and forth to yourself, years of traveling alone makes a person pick up strange habits, like talking to yourself as if your on both ends of a conversation. You found yourself in front of the great oak doors and tightened your grip on your backpack straps.
"This is know on second thought they might not accept you. Your a total wimp noodle. What?! Why didn't you say that earlier?! Because you seemed stubborn. Because I am stubborn! No you aren't, you're a walking doormat. Sssh people are starting to stare, let's just go in so this won't make me look any more of a fool of myself. Ok but if you don't get in it's your fault! Yeah, yeah." You opened the door and entered quietly, you looked around the guild who was happily chatting with each other."There he is! The Master of Fairy Tail! Let's go ask him if you can join! Ummm...there's way too many people let's just no your going to ask to join. What if there's some kind of trial you have to go through in order to get in? I highly doubt that, come on!" You made your way through the crowd, nobody really paid you any mind which was a huge relief. When you got to the bar you didn't know what to do, were you supposed to wait for the Master to address you or were you supposed to say something first.
"Why hello there! Are you here to drop off a job request?" A cheery girl with white hair and bright blue eyes addresses you.
"U...umm no...I was kinda hoping I could join...Fairy Tail if that's possible..." you mumble shyly, not used to people talking directly to you.
"Hmm, that isn't up to me, it's up to the Master. So what do you say Master?"
"Hm? What's your name girl?" The short old man questions you."(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" you answer.
"Tell me, why do you want to join Fairy Tail?"
"Because...I've been traveling around for several years straight...and I don't want to be alone anymore...I thought Fairy Tail might help me feel less lonely..." you muttered, not used to talking to new people, the Master smiled.
"That's quite a good reason you've got there, now allow me to be the first to welcome you to your new family" you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face, you weren't alone anymore."Thank you, thank you so much!" You grinned.
"Hmm...which job, which job...maybe these are too hard we should go sit down and try to make some friends, are you insane?! That's the worst idea! We're not emotionally ready to talk to people yet! Yes we are, no we aren't! Yes we-"
"Excuse me? Are you ok?" You stopped when you realized there was a young girl with blue hair who stared at you curiously.
Holy crap! There's someone talking to me! What do I say?!
Relax! Just be cool, you're older so you're probably a role modelThat is not helping my anxiety!
Ok, ok, just open your mouth and say words
If you say so...
"H....hi...." you muttered
That is not cool at all! What're you doing?!
It was the only thing I could come up with! Don't yell at me!
"I don't recognize you...are you a member here?"
"Y...yeah...I just joined today..."
"And you're going on a job? Shouldn't you meet everyone first? I mean, I don't know what your financial situation is but I'm sure that you should make some friends first" the girl spoke nervously at the end.
"Y...yeah..." you mumbled, "b...but I'm not great at making friends..."

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...