Lion-O x reader- different

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Ever since early life you knew that you were different, though in this circumstance it was a bad thing. You were a noble's daughter, sent away to private school for education in how to be a proper wife and queen. Lord Claudius, instead of arranging a marriage for his sons, wanted them to choose among the noble women available. Which included you. You supposed it would be better than being married off to a forty something cat, but at the same time you dreaded it. You were thought to be a troublemaker of your class. Not only did you skip classes (I mean seriously, table manners aren't everything), but you constantly snuck out of your building to go read books that weren't available at your school. Now the day was here and you dreaded it. Not because of nervousness, without a doubt the Prince Lion-O would prefer someone else of your class, but because this was the day you were supposed to be prepared for your whole life. This was the day that made your life a living hell for the past 14 years. You just wanted to get it over with. You could hear the whispers in the line.

How much do you want to bet that Prince Lion-O won't be able to stand her for a minute?

A minute!? Give him thirty seconds

I heard she skipped table manners class completely 180 times, like she would ever be a queen

She's so plain, they'll be lucky to wed her off to a farmer!

I heard she likes to read books

What's so bad about books? We read them all the time

They're about history, and arithmetic!


Women aren't supposed to read!
I know that's what I said!

Whiskers, you just wanted the prince to reject you already so you could read your studies in peace without judgement.

"I have to go use the women's room" you lie to your governess, who merely gripped your arm tighter which made you cringe as she minorly punctured your skin.

"You will not embarrass me this time girl, you are staying right here" she hissed at you.

"Who is more embarrassing? The student who is willing to learn or the teacher who cannot teach?" You question, which only made her grip tighter. For an old woman she was strong.
"You will shut your mouth if you know what's good for you" you could only pray that the book you hid in your dress earlier will stay in it's place for a little longer. You remembered how it got there.

You were reading your favorite book, you never finished it, but you loved it nonetheless. It spoke of a world of technology and just when you got to the good part something stopped you every time. You were finally going to finish it, but before you could you heard a door slam open and you instinctively hid the book in your extravagant dress.

"Come on girl, out of all the days to be late does it have to be this one? A woman of your standing should not be in the library reading, come now, perhaps we may still be punctual" your governess pulled you along and out of the library.

It was almost your turn to meet the prince, you knew you would get kicked out soon enough. Nobody liked a girl who read.

"Miss (Y/N) of the (L/N)s" the guard in front of the door announced, making all the girls glare at you. Your governess led you forward.

"If you mess this up, I will see to it that your family will never forgive you" she hissed in your ear, making you cringe before she pushed you through the door it made you stumble forward slightly as the door shut behind you. You looked up to see the prince, who got up from the loveseat in his room, probably startled from the noise. You immediately curtsied.

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