Blue Beetle x reader- I'm glad I have Jaime

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This was requested by Lana on Quotev.

You entered the cave, wanting to cuddle with your boyfriend of two years Jaime Reyes. When you saw him on the couch you hugged him.
"I wanna cuddle!"
"Dios mio! Hermosa! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Jaime says surprised. "No, not an actual heart attack" he mutters to the scarab. You buried your head into Jaime's sweater.

"What's he saying?"
"He's saying that my vitals didn't actually show I was having a heart attack"
"You would think several hundred years of living here would give him a key into human expressions" Jaime merely laughed. You smiled, you loved it when Jaime laughed. He put his arms around you and you guys cuddled. You took in his scent and absentmindedly traced random shapes and patterns on his chest. His heartbeat was a familiar sound to your ears. Just how many more times will you have moments like this?

"Hermosa? Are you alright?" He asks you, noticing your worried expression. You and Jaime lived near each other and his high school was literally across from yours so both schools knew you guys were dating. All the girls in your school (and possibly his too) had a crush on him. They constantly talked about you behind your back, but was loud enough for you to hear.

'Her clothes are so weird, would it kill her to wear something that isn't sweatpants?'

'What kind of concussion did Jaime get that made him fall in love with trash like her?'

'I know right! She's so ugly! Maybe she should try makeup sometime'

'He's probably just dating her out of pity'

'He just feels sorry for her, he could do so much better'

'Yeah, she's totally holding him back'

They're right, I'm holding him back, perhaps it's the right thing to do you thought. You turned your gaze away from Jaime's concerned brown orbs.

"I- I think it's better if we break up" you mumble quietly. Jaime's eyes widened and you got off his lap.

"W-what?! Why!" He shouted, first surprised and now slightly angry.

"B-because I'm holding you back. You could have any girl you wanted and you chose me. I don't want to be the girl who ruined your life. I-I think it'll be better if the both of us moved on" Jaime looked at you like you had three heads.

"*¡Tienes que estar bromeando! Esa es tu razón! ¡No te estoy saliendo porque te compadezco!

¡Te estoy saliendo porque te amo! ¡Eres una persona increíble! ¿De dónde sacaste estas ideas de todos modos?" You understood every word Jaime was saying considering you two both grew up in the same neighborhood.

"The girls at school, they say it all the time and it makes sense, ok" you argue.

"The girls at school? This is where you got this from?! (Y/N) I love you because you don't constantly need my attention every second of every day, you understand that I sometimes need space. You don't brag to your school about dating me. You understand me for who I am, the real me. Your an amazing person and always know how to cheer me up. Do you still think I'm dating you out of pity?" He asks you. "If anything your dating me out of pity you know."
"Yeah your right, thanks for cheering me up Jaime" you hugged him. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before returning the hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again hermosa" he mumbled.
"I won't, promise" you reply, hugging him tighter. You were glad to have someone in your life like Jaime, you couldn't imagine a life without him.


Jaime walked you to school like normal. You could already see the popular girls looking at you with disgust. Jaime saw them, they grinned like nothing happened and shyly waved. Jaime's grip tightened around you.
"Jaime-mmph!" Jaime turned you to face him and kissed you. He had both hands on your hips, your hand went behind his neck and played with his short black hair while putting your other hand on his shoulder.

"Te amo hermosa" he whispered when you guys broke apart, putting his forehead against yours.

"Te amo Jaime" the bell rung, signalling everyone should get in the building. "I gotta go, see you after school"
"See you" Jaime watched you walk in, "(Y/N)!" He called just as you got to the top of the stairs. "Good luck on your science test!"
"Thanks! Get an A on your calculus test for me 'kay?" You call.
"I'll do my best Hermosa" he answers before going over to his school. You smiled and walked in. Jaime is the best boyfriend ever, I'm glad I have Jaime and that things didn't go differently last night at the Tower you thought as you entered first period. Feeling much better than you did yesterday.

I'm sorry if it isn't that good Lana. I had an idea and then I lost it so I tried my best. If you don't like it, let me know and I'll try and see if I can make a whole new one shot for you. But um yeah, I hoped some peeps enjoyed this. The translation is at the bottom if you don't really understand the Spanish above. Brought to you by Google Translate because I'm lazy! *Does confident thumbs up*
This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

*You gotta be kidding! That is your reason! I'm not dating you because I pity you!
I'm dating you because I love you! You are an incredible person! Where did you get these ideas anyway?

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