You were a third generation blind earth dragon slayer.You were also a member of Sabertooth,you sensed the earth's vibrations and that's how you knew where you were.(Just like Toph from Avatar) Your dragon,Taslogia taught you how to sense earth's vibrations.You also had a sister her name was Addison and she was currently dating Sting.Which made it super awkward for you and Rogue.You had a big crush on him ever since you joined,you didn't know this but he had a crush on you too.You always noticed him when he was in his corner and you would talk to him.Now,you were sitting with Addi at the guild hall.(That was your sister's nickname)."Hey we're back" Sting says,you felt him pull your sister up and you knew they were in a passionate kiss by the way their hearts were beating."Oi get a room you two!" You shout,liking to mess with your sister.Then you make a gagging sound and point at your mouth.Addi bonks you over the head,"baka" she says.You could hear Rogue chuckle in the background,you were to lazy so you stayed facedown in the ground."Hey (Y/N) why are you on the floor?" Frosch asks patting your head.
"Because I'm lazy" was your muffled reply.
"Ok get off the ground do you know how dirty it is?" Rogue says,he picked you up by the armpits and put you where you were previously sitting.You felt a small heat on your cheeks.
You were hanging with Addi,Rogue and Sting at Fairy Tail.Addi was great friends with Erza,so naturally Sting would want to keep an eye on her.That lead to Lector going with Sting,which made Frosch want to go.Then Rogue would go because of his *cough* motherly *cough* instincts over Frosch.There were three reasons you went to Fairy Tail.One: Addi was your sister.Two:You had a crush on Rogue.Three:Fairy Tail is straight up awesome.Everything was going great until Mrs.Porlyusica came.The doors opened and everyone turned their heads."I wish to talk to Addi and (Y/N)" she says.You look to your sister and try to mouth,'what did you do?'"I don't know" she whispers over.You walk over to her and she brings you outside.
"(Y/N) I think I can cure your blindness" Mrs.Porlyusica says.You couldn't believe it.
"Wait.How?" Addi asks.
"If I give her two artificial eyes,she will be able to see again" Mrs.Porlyusica explains."But it's your choice if you want to do this procedure (Y/N) nobody else's."
"Just..." you gulp "give me a few days to decide."
"Take all the time you need" she says,before walking off.
It was two days since the proposal of sight and you were glum.Nobody knew what to do because you were always happy and carefree all the time.This side was new to them.You were thinking about the offer the pro was you could see and could actually do things with sight.But you were scared,what if you didn't like some of your best friends because you were imagining them differently in your head."Hey (Y/N) I heard there's a new ice cream shop on the corner wanna come with me to grab some?" Yukino asks
"Nah I'm good" you reply moodily.This decision was really putting a dampener on your mood.You walked to the balcony of the Sabertooth guild,(just pretend they even have a balcony) you felt someone stand next to you.Not just anyone either,it was Rogue."I can tell your upset,can you tell me what's wrong?" He asks,you cross your arms and look at the ground.
"Mrs.Porlyusica has a way to get my sight back" you reply.
"So? What's the problem?" He asks.
"I spent my whole life imagining what things would look like,what if I regain my sight and get disappointed with everything because it wasn't how I expected things to look" you say.Rogue envelops you in a hug,"I know you (Y/N) you won't be disappointed by anything" he says."L-listen I-I have something I need to tell you" he says.You felt his heart speed up.
"Uh yeah...sure go ahead" you buried your face in his chest to hide your oven-hot face.He took in a deep breath,"I...I love you (Y/N)" he says.You didn't respond at first."I understand if you don't return my feelings" he releases you from his hug.
"Wait! Rogue" you turn him around and grab the collar of his shirt.You clash his lips against yours,he felt him stiffen then melt into it."Hey Akira" Addi says,you and Rogue broke apart.
"Ok I guess I'll leave you two alone" she apologizes,you felt her back away from the door and run down the stairs."GUYS ROGUE AND (Y/N) ARE A COUPLE!" She shouts,you sigh.
"So much for her keeping a secret" you sigh.Rogue cupped your flaming cheek with his hand.You put your hand over his,a tear went down your cheek.He wiped it away with his thumb,"Rogue I love you" you say.He pressed his forehead against yours.
"(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Yes" you breathed,this was a dream come true for you.
-Another Timeskip due to Loki's flirting-
You decided to get the artificial eyes,it was two days since you and Rogue became an official couple.You were anxious because you had bandages over your eyes."Ok who do you want to see first?" Mrs.Porlyusica asks.The entire Sabertooth and Fairy Tail guilds are outside wondering how it went
"Rogue,Addi,Frosch,Sting and Lector" you replied you were so nervous."Ok I'll go tell them" she says.You felt her walk out and heard five pairs of footsteps walk in.
"May I?" Rogue asks.You nod,to excited to speak.You felt his hands unwind the bandages from your eyes.You blinked a few times,and you couldn't believe it."So how does it feel you baka?" Your sister asks,you tackle her in a hug."I-I can't believe it I can see you! What color is your hair?" You ask overjoyed,tears pricked your eyes.
"It's (s/h/c)" she says,tears pricked her eyes to.(Imagine the scene with ruby and sapphire in Steven Universe episode Jailbreak when they finally reunite.That's the mood right now.) "It's beautiful!" You exclaim.
"Fro thinks so too" Frosch says happily.You bend down and hug Frosch.
"I can see you Frosch,you're such a cutie" you say.
"Fro thinks so too!" You turned to face your boyfriend.
"So am I what you expect?" He asks.You put Frosch down and tackle Rogue in a hug.
"All that and more" you say.
"Good,I'm glad" he murmured in your ear.
-Timeskip due to LUCY KICK!!!!-
Rufus would give you lessons so you could learn to do stuff that required sight.Sometimes Freed and Levy would come over (with Gajeel in tow) to help you out.You excelled in everything because you were so eager.You bought a book of bedtime stories to read before you went to sleep.One night Frosch and Rogue came over,you all were cuddled on the couch.You and Rogue sat next to each other with Frosch sitting on your lap.You took out your book of bedtime stories,"the two got married and they lived" you yawned."They lived...happily...ever...after..." you trail off as you fall asleep."Fro...thinks so...too" Frosch says.Rogue pulls you two closer.
"You're my happily ever after" he whispers.
So that was a one shot I came up with.So what did you think? Was it good? Bad? Meh? Well that's all I have to say Ftfan over and out

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...