Thunder x Out of Control! Reader part 2- Complete

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This was requested by Kumori

Favorite Chick Flick- (F/C/F)

Turns out that for your first few weeks as a Titan, you shared the same room with Raven. She was kinda nice to you considering how she sometimes acted towards others. She helped you learn how to control your powers and keep your cool during fights. You became slightly more confident in yourself as a hero and a person. Today, after having a tough fight you guys were going out for something called pizza.

"Oh yeah! Pizza!" Beast Boy celebrates.

"Come to think of it...have you ever had pizza (Y/H/N)?" Robin asks.

" that a bad thing?" You ask worriedly.

"No, not at all, though now Beast Boy and Cyborg are going to argue about what toppings to get for the next half hour" Raven mutters, obviously annoyed. True to her word, Beast Boy and Cyborg were indeed arguing about what toppings to get for you. You actually felt touched that they cared so much to actually argue about what topping you might like more. Thunder whispered something in Lightning's ear.

"Hey! Why don't we do you what you guys did with us? Get pepperoni!" Lightning says loudly. The two look at each other.

"Not a bad idea, how come I didn't think of it?" Beast Boy asks.

"Simply, you don't" Raven replies.

"So (Y/H/N)? Raven and I were going to have the slumber party and I was wondering if you would like to join us" Star says, turning to you.
"I don't know what that is, but I'll try it" you reply shyly.

"Joy!" Star celebrates. You guys order your pizzas (you got more than one pie because Cyborg and Beast Boy started arguing over toppings again) and you eagerly take a slice.

"Careful, it's fresh out of the oven" Raven warns.

"But Cyborg and Beast Boy are just fine" you point out.

"They're...well...them" Raven sweatdrops. You nervously laugh.

"I guess that's true" you reply, you lightly blew on the pizza before taking a bite. True to Raven's word, it was hot. Like fire in your mouth hot. You quickly swallowed and chugged your water.

"Told you" Raven says, sipping her water. Lightning was whisper-yelling at Thunder, while Thunder looked uneasy about something. You made a mental note to ask him about it later. You ate your pizza cautiously after burning your tongue. It was delicious, you were still getting used to normal food instead of the usual nuts and berries, not to mention the occasional accidentally cooked boar. You guys talked and laughed, you loved your new friends. You guys went to the tower, Cyborg was going to teach you some new tech stuff today. Which you were totally excited about.


Boom!!! You and Cyborg ran out just as the explosion happened, both of you covered in ash.

"Sorry Cyborg" you apologize. You accidentally blew up his workshop.

"It's fine (Y/N), you were just learning, besides I've been meaning to redecorate anyway" he replies.

"Really?" You ask.

"Yeah" he answers, looking back in the room.

"You guys ok?" Robin asks.

"We're fine, just a little explosion is all, nobody's injured" Cyborg reassures.

"Who caused the loud boom?" Star asks.

"That' fault...I'm super sorry...I didn't mean to!" You apologize again, you hated messing up, especially in front of everyone.

"Yo! It's fine, I've caused more explosions than you have (Y/N) no biggie" Beast Boy reassures. You smile.

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