Ben 10 Omniverse Boys Preference

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Who your ex is


Your ex was a Plumber, which made it all the more awkward when you broke up and started dating Ben. Ben's wary about leaving you when your around your ex, but you guys got over the awkwardness and are actually sorta friends. Well friend enough that you could go to them if you guys need help on a case and either the rest of headquarters is unavailable or it's slightly against the rules and you have no other choice. Ben gets very jealous and always has a hand on you, he's also slightly more affectionate with you and always enunciates your nicknames and the fact that you're his girlfriend in front of them.


Your ex was your highschool sweetheart, you don't really see him that often, you guys only really talk online. You're sorta friends but not really, it's like saying hi to someone in the hallway that you never talk to. Rook doesn't really get jealous because 1) you don't really hang out with your ex because it's not a big deal and 2) Rook knows you love him and if you do end up in an awkward situation with your ex or if he's making you uncomfortable you would let Rook know either through your body language or texting him. When he's around your ex he's very polite and is actually sorta friends with your ex because they were special to you at one point. It gets kinda weird sometimes but not too weird, they also meet up sometimes so your ex can give Rook advice about you and to not make mistakes like they did. Sometimes the advice works and sometimes it doesn't.


Your ex was a guy you randomly met in a coffee shop, you bump into him sometimes but it's really awkward. Kevin was the one who insisted you break up with him because you were in an unhealthy relationship. So believe that once you did he and Kevin duked it out in an alleyway. Kevin totally won tho. Your ex totally avoids you when Kevin's around. Kevin gets super jealous and will glare daggers at the guy until he leaves if he so much gets in a five foot radius. Especially when he uses drops to make it look like he was crying to try to win you back. Yeah, your ex was a total douche.


Your ex was a scrapper on some deserted planet in the middle of nowhere. He was kinda a douche because he would make you work until you could barely stand and then some. He wanted to have enough money so you could live in style when you're older. But he kinda took it way too far and sometimes you wondered why you were still with him. So when you broke up with him to travel with Argit he was more bitter than anything. Argit will totally tell him off in public if he even so much hints at a disrespectful undertone to you.

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