Gladion x Reader- Soulmate AU- The first touch

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Requested by crystalthecandywolf, hope it was everything you expected and more fam!

"You, I challenge you to a pokemon battle" those were the first words he ever said to you after just defeating Hau in a fight. When you were just starting out as a trainer too, now, you were Champion. Usually you would just hang out around Alola being recognized, since not many trainers could beat the Elite Four it was no problem, but the Elite Four would message you if a trainer got to the last one and you would quickly finish up whatever you were doing and Charizard Glide over there so you can sit on your throne and pretend that you were there the whole time. It worked out pretty well that way, of course no trainer could defeat you, you had a lot of strong pokemon on your side. Though you never used the legendaries or the ultra beasts that you caught, you deemed it an unfair advantage to yourself and wanted each trainer to beat you fair in square.

"Eyy Gladion! What is up my dude?!" You call, since you were bored and today was a slow day for the Elite Four you decided to go to the Aether Foundation. Gladion, even though he was the head of the whole operation, usually spent his time in the Conservation area with his Silvally and other pokemon. You held up your hand for a high five and Gladion just shoved his hands in his pockets and glared at you.

"I'm not doing that" he tells you.
"Come on bro, don't leave me hanging!"
"I will leave you hanging, you know how I feel about physical contact" you pouted, oh yes, the soulmate thing. Both you and Gladion didn't have soulmates and you always tried to get him to touch you. That was how the soulmate thing worked, the first skin-on-skin touch between soulmates and color would become visible to them almost instantaneously. It was common for friends to have a hand shake or a high five to see if you were soulmates. You secretly wished Gladion was your soulmate, but everytime you tried to find out he was like 'nope'. You wondered if he didn't want you as a soulmate or a soulmate in general, but why wouldn't he want a soulmate? Everyone wants a soulmate. But whatever his decision you never forced him to high five you.

"What're you doing here anyway? Aren't you the Champion?" Gladion questions.

"Well I am the Champion, but nothing's really happening today so...I thought I would come here!" You grinned, Silvally got up and trotted over to you, giving you several slobbery kisses before nuzzling his cheek with yours and walking back to it's spot where it was entertaining a few young pokemon.
"I missed you too Silvally!" You call happily.

"Here, you look like an idiot with that slobber" Gladion offered you a towel.
"Thanks, for the towel. Not calling me an idiot."
"Your welcome, can't have the Champion looking like a hopeless mess now can we?" He teased.
"Ok, I'll admit I looked like a mess that one time, but how was I supposed to know a reporter was coming over my house? You know my Mom doesn't tell me crap, also I never was and never been a hopeless person so that first part is completely untrue" you added as you finished drying your face.
"Also where did you get this towel from?"
"A new Aether regulation is to have a towel dispenser every hundred feet in the conservation area just in case if a Pokemon decides to do what Silvally did to your face. We also have a bunch of dumbasses here who get hurt doing stupid stuff, towels can help staunch blood flow too."
"Let me guess, some of your ol' Team Skull buddies came over and left all bruised and bloody from doing stupid crap that only Team Skull would do so you decided it would be safer to have towels everywhere."
"Pretty much, there were so many many..." Gladion stared off into space for a minute.

"Bro! Why didn't you invite me?! Team Skull is like, the bomb!"
"That's why, you and Hau would've just encouraged them" you pouted and glared at him at the same time.

"You know what...that's fair..." you sigh in defeat.

"How's Hau doing anyway? I haven't seen him around here lately"
"Oh you know, pouting in Meleme's Malasada shop and missing Lillie"
"He needs to get over himself, honestly, it's been almost amost three months now" Lillie left about a month ago to head to Kanto to help her mother get better. Believe it or not Hau and Lillie were soulmates, Hau was so excited to meet his soulmate early on and he totally brightened when he found out that he and Lillie were soulmates. But ever since Lillie left he's been pouting in the malasada shop and now you're pretty sure he's the one keeping it running, though you do manage to drag him out sometimes to go on pokedexing missions with you to try to get his mind off his soulmate.

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