Nova x reader- You know you love me

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(F/A)- Favorite Avenger

This was requested by @Assasin_Angel13 (so if you like marvel stuffs go check them out) hope it was up to your expectations.

Nova was angry, why? Because as usual web-head beat him in training, he got an F on a test and possibly failed his math class. He really needed to take his pent out frustration, preferably on some bad guys. Luckily for him (but unlucky at the same time) Doc Oc busted out of a building in front of him.

"Gah!" Nova shouted out in surprise, Doc Oc turned to him.
"Another one of those snot-nosed children from S.H.I.E.L.D? Tch, I should finish this quick enough" Doc Oc says.

"Or maybe I'll be the one to finish you" he says, firing blasts at Oc. Who dodged quickly by moving from building to building. Man, if I take down Doc Oc I'll score major points with the team, maybe even lead he thought. He had an over exaggerated fantasy of everyone loving him and how Spider-man apologized over and over before Oc whacked him away. Nova grit his teeth before engaging in combat with Oc.

-Timeskip 'cause I'm lazy-

What was Nova thinking right now? He was rethinking his life choices and what led him to this point, though it was obviously his stupidity and recklessness. Doc Oc held Nova with several tentacles while trying to break free. Oc was trying to decide whether he should kill the brat or knock him out for one of his 'experiments'. I hate to say this, but I really wish Spidey was here Nova thought as Doc Oc moved closer to the edge of the building. Does he realize I can fly? For a Doc he really isn't that smart Nova thought. Suddenly the Doc shocked him with electricity, causing him to spasm. Yeah...this makes more sense...can this day get any worse?! Suddenly out of nowhere, Oc's suit began tearing up on it's own before being thrown across the rooftop, causing Oc to let go of Nova.
"I got you!" A voice shouts and Nova felt like a ragdoll being thrown across the room, except ragdoll don't land on their butts after being tasered. Nova groaned in pain before doing a flip and landing on his back.

"Are you ok?" A girl asks, her face coming into his view. Long (H/C) hair and playful (E/C) eyes that were easily seen through the (F/C) mask on her face. Nova wanted to make a sarcastic remark about the point of masks if you could see your eyes but he was kind of having trouble with that. That and how he was absolutely NOT ok, he just got his butt saved by a girl. Hell, even being saved by Spider-man would be better than that. Nova just groaned and shut his eyes, my day definitely got worse he thought, closing his eyes and falling asleep.


Nova woke up to the sound of cars and people, he opened his eyes and saw the same hero from before eating a slice of pizza. Nova noticed he wasn't spasming anymore. That's good.

"I got you a slice too, I didn't know what toppings you liked so I got you regular cheese. I hope that's ok" the girl says without looking back at Nova. Nova saw the slice of pizza sitting on a paper plate next to him. Then he remembered what happened about an hour ago.

"What are you, crazy!? I could've handled that myself!" He shouts at her.

"Yeah, because being thrown off a roof while spasming and unable to use your powers is totally handling the situation" she says sarcastically, turning to him and rolling her eyes. "You honestly need to look at a dictionary Bucket Boy."
"My name is Nova!" He objects.

"Well too bad, I'm callin' ya Bucket Boy and there's nothin' you can do to stop me" she says pulling down her eyelid and giving him a raspberry. Is she seriously this childish? Wow, and I thought Spidey was a pain in my-

"So are you going to eat your pizza or can I eat it? I kinda skipped dinner to save your butt" she asks, interrupting his thoughts.

"No, I skipped dinner too!" He exclaims like a child, grabbing his slice and eating a big chunk.

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