Scarlet Spider Headcanons

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Requested by Elizabeth Travis 

Believe it or not you guys knew each other before you went to SHIELD

Came in the middle while you were battling some thugs and finished them before you could tell him to not

You're passive aggressive to each other

Sometimes Nova gets popcorn to watch your passive aggressive fights

You always criticize each other passive aggressively

You bicker as well

It can go on for hours about the stupidest crap ever

There's something about you that rubs him the wrong way

You just only insult people when they insult you first

Literally, the only time you actually have decent conversation is when you have a feeling the other one is feeling crappy

He still doesn't like you

The only time you work together well without complaint is during dire situations on missions

Spider-man asks Scarlet why he hates you so much

Ever since Scarlet saw you, weird things have happened to him every time your close by

His heart beat increases

His palms get sweaty which screws up his grip on walls when he's climbing

He feels his face overheat and sometimes loses focus because why in the hell do his cheeks feel like they're on fire?

It first happened after you yelled at him when you first met

Spider-man just gets this really happy and knowing grin on his face

Before he can tell Scarlet why he's feeling that way there's another mission

After Spider-man made that face, Scarlet doesn't want to know

You don't even consider being in a relationship with him

Until White Tiger says something

You guys were all chilling at a cafe

Stumbled upon the topic of cutest potential couples and hottest boys in the academy

You just had to open your mouth and say that Cloak and Dagger would be the cutest

Apparently everyone thought you were flirting with Scarlet

Your face turned red with embarrassment as you explained that you truly did not like the guy

Gave all the reasons why

They still shipped you guys for some stupid reason

Then that night it was the middle of the night and you couldn't sleep

Flashbacked to your conversation with the girls

Began imagining being Scarlet's girlfriend in ways that only happen in anime

Your face gets hot again the more you think about it

You try not to think about it but fail to

Scarlet thinks your acting weird

You're complimenting him more than usual

You act all nervous and awkward

If a conversation goes for more than a minute you'll dismiss yourself, saying you have homework to do

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