Requested by Wingstar, srry this is super late
Valentines Day
Peter thinks Valentine's Day is frickin' amazing, especially since he has a date now but he has no idea what to do for you. Especially since he doesn't have a lot of money but he still wants to do something nice for you. He pulls all-nighters, not just to work on his webshooters, oh no. But to try to plan something for you. It takes him forever to come up with a good idea for you. In the morning he'll actually be on the bus with a seat waiting for you. When you sit down he pulls out a mildly damaged box of chocolates and some flowers that he somehow kept from being crushed. After school he'll offer you a swing through the city and land on a rooftop where your other teammates decorated the roof, promising to take care of the crime for the night and leaving the person who's been single the longest to be your waiter. It's a really big surprise, but it's also really nice. Peter tries to flirt with you but doesn't really know how but you still laugh because his attempts at flirting are cute. After dinner you give Peter his present, which is some chemicals that he expressed to you that he needed for his homemade webfluid. (He's trying to cut down the cost of buying webfluid and didn't really want to ask SHIELD to help him), he's really grateful for the gift and will give you a big hug. He'll also swing you home too.
Sam is super excited for Valentine's Day because you frickin' deserve it. You work really hard and stuff so Sam really wants to help give you the day off so you could do fun and dorky stuff together. He works really hard the night before and ends up being late to school from sleeping in. Despite this he'll still try to be romantic and start giving you gifts whenever he sees you, even if your passing by in the hall. It's usually something stupid like your favorite chocolate or just snacks in general.
"Hey (Y/N)! Catch!"
"Sorry!"After school he'll take you out to your favorite burger place (ok it's his) and you'll do a ton of stuff throughout the whole day. Every place you ever mentioned going to in New York throughout the year you'll at least go for five minutes. It's a lot of fun and prolly the best date you've ever been on in awhile. Sam will take you to the park last so you could watch the clouds turn from sunset to night time. This is where he'll give you his present, it was that pen pack you've been looking at in Michaels for awhile but never got it because you already had so much stuff. You really appreciate it and give him a super tight hug for it. Yours wasn't as impressive, it was the new Super Smash Bros that he didn't have yet. He gets so excited and actually runs around with the game in a circle before giving you an even tighter hug and kissing you. So all in all, it's a pretty great Valentine's Day.
Danny does look forward to Valentine's Day with you, but mostly because he wants to make it a (Y/N) Appreciation Day. You already have that day tho, it's called your birthday. So you both kinda end up trying to make it an appreciation day for each other but it both doesn't work out but at the same time it works really well. Like you'll both try to be romantic (he's better at it than you), then you'll both try to take each other to your favorite places, which you somehow manage to squeeze in (tho you end up having dinner twice, not that you don't mind, it's food). He'll also give you a lot of gifts and your just like 'Danny stahp, plz, all I got you was this really good drawing I made of you...or at least I think it's good...plz don't let me get self-conscious now!' You do appreciate the gifts and you end up using them a lot but after when you visit his room to do homework you see the picture you drew hung in an amazing frame and you're just like ' picture deserves that...?' And when he begins telling you how great it is you start blushing and turning your head away because you can't take compliments that well, when Danny notices he's just like 'it's great' and kisses the side of your head before you two start studying.
Harry, much like Danny, sees it as more of a (Y/N) Appreciation Day than anything else. You'll try to do little things for him because he tells you that the little things you do for him always make him happy. You're the same way with the little things but Harry still does at least one or two big gestures on Valentine's Day, he also gets you a ton of gifts because you're totally worth it, but you get embarrassed and just go 'Harry, stahp, my lil' heart can't take this', so to make up for the grand gestures he'll take you to any movie of your choice instead of taking you to a super fancy restaurant like you originally planned, but it's still a really nice time and you don't feel the awkward anxiety of being in a fancy restaurant and wondering if you're doing something wrong every time someone giggles. At the end of the movie, you'll give Harry his present and tell him to open it when he gets home, it turns out it was a frame you made 100% yourself and Harry loves it. He even puts his favorite photo of you two in it.
Iron Spider-
Cho thinks Valentine's Day as stupid and you guys don't really celebrate it, he just gets you chocolates and that's it. He also has this invention that he's working on just for you, but he won't tell you that it's for you and he only works on it on Valentine's Day. So like, twenty years later he'll give you this amazing invention that he only built thinking about you and during the whole day you'll go over a lot of different video logs where Cho is just purely talking about you and it honestly totally makes up for everything, you give him this really big hug and even tho you're old now it's still very powerful and Cho is pretty sure you broke one of his ribs but that's ok
Agent Venom-
Flash sees Valentine's Day as one of his sacred duties since he's your boyfriend and he'll come to school with flowers and chocolates and he's just like...really gentle the whole day??? You don't know why or how but he is??? Then again, gentle Flash is honestly your favorite Flash. He'll take you to thai ice cream on him and you'll just walk around and see where the night takes you. The flowers and chocolates are pretty much it from him but he also tries to make you something, and even though it looks like a lump of nothing you put it on a special shelf in your room of just things he's made you. Since he does kinda wanna learn how to draw, you got him a sketchbook and a pencil set so he could start to learn how to draw in Art Club while you're doing your awesome art stuff. Flash will give you a big hug too because he likes it when you include him in stuff because it tells him that you want to hang out even more with him.
Kid Arachnid-
Miles is really excited about Valentine's Day but he's never had a Valentine before so he starts to panick and turns to Spider Papa Parker for help. His advice doesn't really help and in the middle of one of his rambles Danny pokes in and is like 'Just do something from the heart' and honestly that's much better advice than what Peter was giving him. So he goes with that. You don't see him the whole day because he's sneaking around and putting the final touches on things for his first Valentine's Day. When you finally see Miles he just picks you up and swings to a random rooftop where there's an old fashioned stereo some awesomely graffitied cardboard on the ground and fairy lights strung up everywhere. You two end up having a hip-hop dance battle on the roof. It's really fun and winning doesn't matter- you won, you totally won. The songs that you were dancing to were actual dubstep songs Miles put together himself when he was thinking about you, his present to you is the DvD and his first kiss. Your gift isn't as cool but it's still something. You got him a snap back hat that's super special because it was a white snap back that you spray-painted black and put his logo on so he's got the best and first Kid Arachnid snapback hat.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...