Pantherlily x Exceed! Dying! Reader

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This is for  FairyGirl316 they're Wattpad so stop by their inbox and say hello! Hey Fairy Girl! What's up!

You approached the guildhall slowly, you knew about other exceeds that joined Fairy Tail but they had wizards, or dragonslayers, to back them up. You didn't, you were just a (F/C) exceed with ragged clothes, (an) old (F/W) and a keen skill for fighting and tracking. You adjusted your pack and took a deep breath before opening the heavy oak doors, narrowly dodging a chair from a giant brawl that's currently taking place in the middle of the guildhall. You looked around, wondering where their master was. You saw pictures from Sorcerer Weekly magazines, but you couldn't see him above all the dust. "Hey, are you lost or something?" A blue cat approached you. "No, I'm here to join your guild, but I can't seem to find your guildmaster" you respond, trying again to find their master, though you still couldn't see anything above the dust cloud. "Oh, Gramps is just doing some paperwork right now, he'll totally be back soon though to approve your membership!" "How are you so sure I'll get in?" You ask. "It's simple really, the Fairy Tail guild never turns down a wizard!" He says confidently. "Really!" "Aye sir- er ma'am!" he quickly corrected himself, "my name's Happy, Happy the cat. Want a fish?" He held out a fish to you. "Uh, sure, thank you. I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). But you can call me (N/N) if you want" you say politely. "Cool!, I would introduce you to the rest of my friends but Natsu's kind of in that fight somewhere and Lucy's hiding under a table...." He deadpans, you couldn't help but chuckle, you tried to bite the fish but you found the scales were too hard. "Hey Happy, where did you get this fish?" You ask. "Oh that, I got it on a job! It's scales are a little hard but once you sink your teeth in they give the fish a nice crunch" he explains. "Ummm, ok? But I'm not used to fish with these kind of scales, do you mind if I get rid of them?" You ask Happy politely, not wanting him to take the food he gave you back. If he said no, you would just eat it, but if he said yes you would cut it up with your (F/W) in a way so it would be better for you to eat. "Sure you can! It is your fish now" he pulled out his own fish and began eating, you threw it up in the air and cut it into pieces, you grabbed them one by one out of the air and held the pieces in your arms. Already starting to devour them. Happy just looked at you. "Is something wrong?" You ask, wiping your mouth on your sleeve. "! Nothing's wrong!" He seemed freaked out. "Then why are you shaking?" "Just remind me to never get on your bad side" he answers. "O....k...." you trail off awkwardly. -Timeskip-

After that exchange with Happy you became an official guild member, and with Happy being the only exceed you knew, you kinda followed him. He didn't seem to mind though. You guys actually became great friends, and being friends with Happy meant being friends with Team Natsu. At first they were concerned about you being on your own. However a few jobs with them and now Natsu was basically your go-to for a tag-team against Gray, whether it was a fight or a prank (you guys even super glued Gray's clothes on as a prank, let's just say that's a story for another time). You did meet the other exceeds in the guild too, even though Carla seemed to proper at first she did show you a more laid back side of herself. Pantherlily was cool too, in your opinion anyway, he was a great fighter and it was obvious he cared about his friends, though lately he's been acting strange towards you. You just couldn't figure it out. You even asked Gajeel what was wrong but Levy threw a book at him...for some reason. Right now, you were sitting at a table with Team Natsu, laughing at Natsu's retelling (and Lucy's correcting) of their last mission.
"All in all it was really fun!" Wendy adds.
"Yeah, but I feel like I should've punched more bad guys" Natsu mumbles.

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