(I just parodied one of John Mulaney's video titles to rope you all in here to read this hehehe, I'm so evil *strokes imaginary cat maniacally because one does not have a cat irl*)
(Btw I only did a Voltron fanart picture 'cause I'm really into that rn, so calm down fangirls, all the bad stuff has passed, hopefully. Also I already added it to the request list)
Ok I've got three A/Ns so instead of doing three different A/Ns (and making you all hate me in the process for doing three straight with no oneshots in between) I'm going to combine them all into one.
A/N #1-
I will now be accepting boy x boy and girl x girl requests, if there are any Encounters fans reading this who've read the Halloween chapter, you guys know I'm already starting to attempt this. I actually do have a girl x girl request already and I've been mulling over this for awhile, so might as well make it official, the first few requests might not be too good ('cause I'm still new at this), so constructive criticism is always helpful.
A/N #2-
I'm prepping my computer to make my first animatic (but Adobe Illustrator is being a little b rn) so it's gonna be one of those 'what's a soulmate' videos and for the animatic I'm going to use some of my actual oneshot storylines (and include the usernames of the people who requested them, possibly...not making any promises tho) in it, so to determine this I'm going to choose ones with the most votes (for Wattpad) and the most reads (for Quotev). Also if you guys know any good tips for animatics on Adobe or any good how-to videos that weren't made three years ago, for animatics lemme know plz so my first one isn't complete garbage.
A/N #3-
I have a friend I met recently who just started their commissions business, they haven't yet made a page, but they're really good and I think those of you with O.Cs would totally want to check this person out, I paid them to do a commission for my O.C Silver Moon. They're name is Blue Art Commissions, they haven't made a page yet, but they're gonna soon. I'm sure if you just google their name you'll find them.
So anyway, those are my three A/Ns, man I'm so glad to finally publish these. It'll be ok though, I have a Omniverse! Ben 10 x Hybrid! reader, so that's gonna be fun, anyway, later guys!
This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...