Razer x reader- A Promise

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This picture has me ded *insert laughing so hard it's crying emoji*. This was requested by Wingstar on Quotev and this is a continuation of the last Razer x reader so if you haven't read that one already please do. Also these are some things that I don't use too often so I put it down below for clarification if you guys don't understand, and this is like 27 google doc pages long so...yeah, have fun my peeps!

(F/M)- Favorite movie

(R/G)- Random Guy

(R/G)- Random Girl

(F/N)- Father Name

(M/N)- Mother Name

"Is that all it takes to stop a Green Lantern? A broken heart?" Razer asks sarcastically, seeing Kilowog moping. It's been a few weeks since you've started dating Razer and he has toned down a bit, becoming more of a tsun-tsun, but you didn't mind. You understood because you were kinda on the brink of death and you did still have to wear the Aya boots, two broken legs do take a long time to heal, so did most of your other injuries.
"If I remember a certain someone cried for weeks on end when I was on the brink of death" you shoot back with a quirked eyebrow.

"That's different" Razer objects.
"How is that different from what Kilowog's going through?" You ask, Razer looked at Kilowog before looking back at your smug little face. He opened his mouth closed it, then proceeded to lean back in his chair and pout. You giggled before you felt a sudden jolt of the ship and you fell on top of Razer's torso.

"I see you've fallen for me already" you grin and he groans.

"Was that another pickup line?"
"Maybe...-" you answer slyly before a giant monster appeared in front of the ship.

"That's a real monster" Razer comments.

"I did give you ample warning" Aya justifies.
"Really? I thought you were just playing along" your uncle Hal flew out of the ship as you all followed, as he opened the bay door a tentacle flew in and Razer put you protectively behind him. The tentacle grabbed Kilowog and pulled him out.
"Stay behind me" Razer tells you before you flew out to fight the monster and get Kilowog back. Unfortunately nothing went to plan and everyone but you was caught in a tentacle, which you thought was weird but you continued to attack the tentacles to try to get your family and crew back. A pink blast came out of nowhere and hit the monster, two pink lanterns began laying on the fire as your family and boyfriend were let go, you didn't know what to do so you proceeded to attack the monster.
"Unlike Green Lanterns the Star Sapphires channel the power and serve the cause of love" the bigger one answers, very similar to the aliens on Erunan's planet. They made the creature stop and fly away.
"Whoa, so cool" you grin. The Star Sapphires introduced themselves.
"I am Aga'po this is my niece Ghia'ta" she introduces, and immediately Hal began flirting with them, making you facepalm, what surprised you was she flirted back. Now you were all boarded on the ship as you went to their home planet. Ghia'ta had like, no boundaries and leaned on your Uncle as he sat in the pilot's chair. While Aga'po was talking with Kilowog.

"Is there something wrong?" Razer asks as you rolled your shoulder a little bit.

"Yeah, I think I should get a better technique when shooting my ring, especially when pretty much every bone in my body is broken to some extent." You grumble.

"If you want I could assist you with that when we arrive on their home planet" Razer suggests, you smile at him.
"That would be nice, thanks Grumpy Gills" at this point Razer accepted your nickname for him and has given up on correcting you.

"Don't mention it"


Instead of going to the castle you and Razer went to one of those mini islands floating in the sky as Razer began helping you with your ring technique to help with your injured shoulder.

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