Sting x Reader- Valentine's Day Drabble

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Why do you love me?

Sting's gaze was on you in an instant when you realized the words that came out of your mouth. You were watching some kind of Monster High movie, the one where they go to the city and the two main characters have music in common and that's it, which made you question your own relationship with Sting. The reason you were watching it was because you guys had to take care of Frosch while Rogue had to go on a solo job and Frosch was going through some kind of Monster High phase.

"That question's a little spontaneous, don't you think?" Sting asks with a hint of humor in his voice.

"I know it's just...we barely have anything in common, like them" you point at the main couple on T.V as they realized there was no way they could love each other because they didn't have music. Sting watched the T.V for a moment as he thought.

"That isn't true at all" he mutters, turning back to look at you.

"I love you because you're smart, and when you smile it's like I'm looking at the sun, you're cute when you get shy on jobs that we go on together and you cling to my arm, the way your nose crinkles up when you're so scared but you do the thing you're scared of anyway" he was listing things off as he began kissing you from your mouth, to your jaw to your neck, nipping lightly every once in awhile. The reasons why he loved you were hushed whispers between butterfly kisses, your blush deepened with every reason he listed. You hoped Frosch wasn't going to suddenly turn around and see this, you didn't want Rogue to get angry with you again.

"I could list a thousand more reasons if you want me to, but I love you babe, just because we don't have things in common doesn't mean I don't love you. If anything it makes me love you more because of how happy you look to explain everything to me, even when I don't listen because I'm too busy admiring how you look when you get excited like that." Sting whispered in your ear, his grip around your shoulder giving you the smallest squeeze of reassurance. You craned your head to look at him

"Sting...I can't believe you noticed all that stuff about me" you smile, his gaze softened.

"Of course I did babe, you're my mate, remember?" His thumb brushed over the tiny white scales on your neck.

"You know, I noticed things with you too"
"Hmm, did you?" Sting hums, you nodded as you fully turned your body to face him as you played with the fur of his vest a little.

"Yep, like how at night whenever I have a nightmare you start unintentionally glowing to protect me from the dark" your hand countinued to play with the fur as you scooted closer to him.
"Whenever you don't like the smell of a food you make the funniest little face, you don't hesitate to defend your friends and guild, even if you just hear a whisper of someone insulting them, whenever you get super excited your eyes turn to the blue of a cloudless sky" you kept getting closer and closer as you told him all of the little things you noticed until your foreheads were touching and you cupped his cheek with your hand. He looked right back at you and his hand went over yours and his thumb gently rubbed circles on your hand.

"Very descriptive, just a perk of dating a writer, a reader and a dreamer..." he trailed off as he leaned closer to you so your breaths mixed together.

"Mhm" you hum as you closed the gap, Sting smirked as he pulled you fully onto his lap. You couldn't help but smile as you both tried to get closer than you already were. Sting had you in a bridal-style like hold as you kissed, your fingers burying themselves in his bright, blonde hair. It was blissful and tender, like a fond memory. You wanted to kiss him forever. Sting's hand began inching down your thigh when-


"Ok, who broke something? And if it's Rogue's there's glue in the- oh hey Rogue" Sting smiled sheepishly at the shadow dragonslayer who was glaring at you guys.

"Seriously? Why am I not surprised?" Rogue facepalms.

" be fair...we were talking abotu how much we love each other..." Sting justifies with a face that says 'I know that isn't a good excuse but it's the best one I got'.
"I'm taking Frosch to my room now" Rogue sighed, taking out the disc for the movie and picking up Frosch.
"Hey, can I come too? I wanna see if the butterfly lady gets the other person's voice back" Lector asks, Rogue nodded and he cheered.
"Sorry Sting, but plots are more important!" Lector 'apologizes' as he followed Rogue.
"I don't mind, more time to love my amazing girlfriend" he grins, giving you light butterfly kisses that make you giggle. Rogue rolled his eyes and went to his room. Sting lied down on the couch, bringing you down with him.

"Do you wanna just cuddle or...?" Sting's hands went down to your waist and up your shirt, caressing your sides gently.

"I think cuddling would be nice right now, but maybe later B" you kissed his nose before resting your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into your hair, closing his eyes and taking in the moment with you.

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