Requested by Ally, hope you like it fam!
I swear my brothers are frickin' idiots leaving their younger sister all by herself, New York is a dangerous place, I don't want to hide a body by myself you thought as you scaled the rooftops. Looking for your beloved, but extremely idiotic brothers. You then heard M.C's cackling and stopped, turning back and looking down the rooftop. Seeing them with spray cans and vandalizing the building, you rolled your eyes as you stealthily snuck down the fire escape before karate-chopping Rebel in the back of the head.
"Oi! Who the hell- oh hey (Y/N)" Rebel brightened, you continued to glare at him with crossed arms and tapping your conversed shoe against the concrete.
"Wait, she wasn't here before?" M.C spoke, making your (E/C) eyes narrow at them.
"Ok, ok, we're sorry for losing you, but look at what we're working on! The Purple Dragons are gonna be sooo pissed off when they see this!" Swift grins, he and Ghost stopping their work so you could see.
There was the purple dragon symbol and the whole wall was dedicated to the purple dragon getting it's ass beat up to four different colored shells.
"We even left a spot for you, still got that spray paint we stole from those vandals earlier?" You nodded your head and pulled out your silver spray paint. Ghost just tossed you the shell and dragon cut out and you caught them, spray painting your own scene of beating up the purple dragons before signing with your codename. You both had a regular name and a codename, your codename was Fighter. Which was pretty badass in your opinion. You heard a noise, followed by other noises a loud 'Mikey!' and the sounds of bodies crashing into each other in the dumpster. M.C and the others were going to another part of the wall and began drawing dicks as teenage boys did, well except for Ghost. You smacked Swift on the back of the head.
"Ow! What the shit was that for?"
"Eavesdroppers" you pointed to the dumpster as everyone else looked.
"M.C you go check it out"
"Me!? Why me?! Why can't you go!?"
"Because I don't want my brains shot out"
"And that wants to make me go why?!"
"Nobody could tell the difference" Ghost unclipped the button of his holsters like cowboys in old movies. Then four turtles jumped out of the dumpster with their weapons.
"Well, look what we got here, some trespassers who bit off more than they can chew. I suggest you scram little turtles before we decide to make some soup outta you." Swift grins in his usual 'I will intimidate you and I'm better than you so you better scram or else' look."What?! Dudes they look just like us!" M.C's doppelganger marvels.
"No shit sherlock" M.C grins dangerously as he leaned on his bat, "you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed are you?""Uh Leo, what should we do?" Rebel's doppelganger asks.
"They're criminals aren't they?"
"Oi! We're right here you little shits!""Besides, we're more than just some petty little criminals, you don't wanna tangle with us." Swift answers darkly, his katana still resting on his shoulder.
"Yeah, we don't care about rules or morals, why don't you scurry back to whatever hole you came out of before you really get hurt" Ghost spoke lowly."Well I guess that answers our question"
"And like every other criminal, we fight them" Swift's double answers. They ran toward you and your brothers and you ran back at them.
"Hey! My bat! That is not cool asshole!" M.C did some serious parkour before kicking the turtle and making him lose the bat that was in his nunchucks. Swift and his double were fighting and seemed pretty even. So did Rebel and his double. Though Ghost's double was panicking that Ghost had guns and kept trying to either duck or misdirect the bullets, which Ghost used sparingly and he really had no reason to freak out so much. You were kinda tempted to continue your spray paint art just to get back at them for ditching you earlier. That was, until a human literally flew out of nowhere and tried to kick you in the face. But thanks to your reflexes you dodged and she landed behind you. She took out a metal fan as you pulled out your pre-viking long knives. Well they were designed to look like them, and you gave them incredible spray paint designs on each side of the blades. You glared at her and she glared back. You ran toward her and tried to slash her but she dodged and delivered a blow to your side. You quickly recovered and caught her fan between your knives, she ran toward you again and grabbed her fan, trying to slash you with her fan but you blocked her with your knives. Sparks skidded off your blades as they collided each time. You were suddenly glad for the extra pushups Rebel made you do. Because now you were obviously in better shape than she was.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...