Danny (Iron Fist) x reader- As long as your here

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You curled up on your bed. Plz don't find me plz don't find me you beg silently to yourself. You skipped school today because you had a doctor's appointment. You knew you had to get some shots so you holed yourself up in your room. Hoping that your boyfriend, Danny, won't find you and knowing him, forcing you to go to the doctor's. He was a really caring boyfriend, but you knew he would try and force you to go for your health.

"(Y/N)!" Danny shouted, he sounded desperate...guess he found out.

"(Y/N)! Where are you!" He calls again, his voice resonating throughout your small house. You heard him climb up the stairs so you hid under the bed. He opened the door to your room and stopped at your bed. He then got down and saw you under the bed.

"(Y/N), what are you doing down here? You haven't answered any of my texts of phone calls, I thought someone kidnapped you" he says. Pulling you out from under the bed, he wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose in your hair.

"Danny, I'm fine" you reply.

"Why weren't you at school today?" He asks you.


"Because why?"
"I have a doctor's appointment"
"I know"

"Isn't that called stalking?"
"Not if it's to make sure my girlfriend is alright"
"Touche" you reply.

"Come on, we should probably get you to that appointment" he says, gently pulling you with him.

"But I don't wanna!" You whine.

"Will it help if I stay with you?" He asks.

"Yes..." you mutter. He walked with you hand in hand and opened the passenger side of his car.
"After you" he says.

"Thank you kind sir" you giggle and get in. He gets in on the other side and begins driving through New York traffic. You guys got to the doctor's office and he checks you in.

"I'm nervous Danny" you say as you lay your head on his shoulder.

"It's ok, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you want" he reassures.

"Are you sure? What if I accidentally break it? Then you won't be able to..." you trail off. Yes, you knew Danny was Iron Fist, hard to not know considering you've been dating for a year. He kissed your head.

"I'll be happy because I'll know your alright" he replies.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" A nurse called.

"Here" you reply, standing up. Danny gave your hand a gentle squeeze, true to your word you almost did actually break Danny's hand when you got your shots.

"See? Not so hard was it?" Danny asks you.

"Says the guy who's hand almost got broken by his girlfriend" you reply, playfully shoving him.

"No, you're remembering it wrong" he replies.

"Yeah, sure, because you totally weren't about to cry a minute ago" you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"A warrior never cries" he replies in his ancient-wise voice as you called it.

"Everyone needs to cry every once in awhile, even warriors" you reply. Your hands were intertwined and you brought his hand up to your lips. Gently kissing his knuckles.

"Seriously, are you ok?"
"Fine, I'll always be fine as long as you're here" he replies. Resting the side of his head against yours, you hum in response.

"So? Do you want to get some ice cream?" Danny asks.
"Yes please!" You reply like a child.

-Bonus scene-

"Why are we doing this again?" Nova asks.

"Because Iron Fist is our friend, obviously" Venom replies.

"Isn't this technically stalking?" Kid Arachnid asks. The team thought about it for a second.

"Nah" the ones who agreed to this said at the same time, shaking their heads.

"Alright...if you say so. Not that anyone usually listens to me anyway" Kid Arachnid mutters the last part to himself.

"Alright White Tiger, how's it looking?" Spider-man asks.

"Yep, those two are definitely getting married" White Tiger says while using the only pair of binoculars they have to spy on you and Danny eating ice cream on one of the outside tables.

"Oh! I wanna see! Lemme see!" Squirrel girl shouts excitedly, grabbing the binoculars and watching you guys.
"Hey! What about me? Iron Fist and I are best buds, I deserve to know what's going on" Powerman says. Stealing the binoculars from squirrel girl, he only got five seconds before squirrels attacked him. Causing him to drop the binoculars, which Squirrel girl snatched back. Soon an all out fight started on the roof, minimal amount when it came to the use of powers...all over a pair of binoculars.

"What are you kids doing?" Iron man asks.

"Run!!! Every hero for themselves!!!" Venom shouts, soon all the heroes scattered. Iron-man picked up the binoculars.

"Now what were they looking at?" He asks himself, looking back at the ice cream shop where you and Danny were sitting.

"Huh, looks like Iron Fist can be the hero and get the girl. Not bad, now only if Spider-man could do the same" he comments. A faint, but distinct 'hey!' came from the background.

Yay! I've been meaning to do this for like two to three months and now I did it! Unfortunately I'm sick, and there's supposed to be a storm coming...what a great mix....yay. Well...at least I got my goal accomplished, that's something. Have a great day y'all and I'll see you later! This is Ftfanx777 over and out \(^-^) .

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