Razer x Reader- Soulmate AU- Red String of Fate

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Requested by Lilyzbee, hope it goes beyond your expectations

Ever since you were younger, your string led to the stars, so you knew you had to be an astronaut. It was your calling. Sure people bullied you and made fun of you for thinking your string led to the stars (since nobody could see it) but that didn't stop you. You did end up going to the stars, well to one of Saturn's moons to be exact. And through a series of unfortunate events with small breaks of peace, here you were. Stranded on an essentially uninhabited (and probably possessed) planet with a quirky alien who only told you the important things in riddles. Important being whether or not the planet was possessed. The only reason you thought it was possessed was because it would release certain ships and you would find random parts around your open workshop. Yeah you knew others were on here, but they seemed way too dysfunctional and whenever you tried to talk to them the possessed planet would stop you. You took that as a sign and opted to stay in your workshop, trying to build your way out of here.

"(Y/N), there is something you need to see" Saintwalker spoke before running off. You immediately stopped what you were doing and ran after him.
"S.W I swear to god..." you grumble, you were not having a good day. You tried to start your craft but the engine went up in smoke so now you had to rebuild it from scratch. That combined with all of the little things that somehow always go wrong then yeah, you were a little miffed at Saint Walker's mind games. You lost track of him and began looking around.
"Saint Walker! Where are you?! Come on dude, can you cut me some slack this one time?! At least let me catch up before disappearing! What am I supposed to see anyway?! There's literally nothing here!" You gestured to all of the trees surrounding you.
"Are you a castaway too?" You turned around, sorta looking like you were t-posing and saw a grumpy-looking Red Lantern. You immediately put your arms at your sides, besides Saint Walker you haven't really talked to anyone in a really long time, you did not want to start with a Red Lantern.

"U...uh...yes..." you squeak out, feeling your heart beating a million miles per hour. He merely grunted.

"We're looking for a Green Lantern, I assume you're not them"

"W...we?" Now you were really scared.
"Yes, Hal Jordan and the others" he gave you this 'wtf' look, probably from your stupid questions.

"Hal Jordan? Wait- isn't he a test pilot from Earth?" You ask, remembering some mentions of him from other NASA workers and the occasional news broadcast.

"He is from earth yes, but I did not know he was a pilot. What is a human like you doing out here in deep space?"
"A series of unfortunate events" you answer nonchalantly, suddenly able to find your voice.

"I see....you don't have any others with you, do you?"
"Other humans? Nope, just me."
"Good, come with me"

"That asteroid is going to strike in less than 3 hours, we're here to find the Green Lantern and get off this planet." He answers, barely even turning to you.
"Wait! I need to get back to my workshop! If this planet is going to blow I want to at least have the few possessions I managed to keep with me." His blue eyes gave you a once over.

"Fine, but make it quick"

"Yes, now um..which direction is my workshop again?" You question yourself out loud, before he could scold you on what a dumbass you were (or at least that's what you felt like he was going to do) the trees parted in a straight path.

"Proof!" You shout. It had become a habit that whenever you saw the planet do weird and freaky crap like that, you would shout proof and gesture with both your arms. He raised an eyebrow but didn't question you as you began walking back to your workshop. Him following close behind you.

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