Keith x Altean! Reader pt. 2- Support

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Requested by Wingstar, srry if it seems a little short and the title seems stupid, but Finals week so... 

You groaned, your eyes opening slowly from your sudden crash. You felt your forehead and cringed at the large bruise on your head.

At least it's not bleeding... you kicked open the cockpit barrier and looked around, getting out of your side-turned mini-ship and stumbling before leaning against it. Your closed your eyes and opened them up again in an effort to get your vision into focus before looking around. You seemed to be in a desert of some kind, you sighed and slid down to a sitting position, even though your ship was protecting you from the sun beating down on you it was still very hot. Out of all the planets why did I have to get a desert one? You wondered, well you supposed you were a little lucky, at least you didn't warp to a molten planet.

"(Y/N) to the Paladins, (Y/N) to the Paladins do you copy?" All you got was static.

"Quiznack, (Y/N) to the Castle, (Y/N) to the Castle do you copy?" Still, more static. You groaned and slumped over, turning your head slightly and sighing again once you saw that your signal booster was damaged, perhaps that was a good thing, at least no Galra would be able to find you. You closed your eyes, perhaps a little sleep would help with your foggy brain. As soon as your eyes closed you heard a scuffle. You opened your eyes and the sound stopped, you scanned the dry desert and saw nothing. Again, you closed your eyes, the scuffling once again could be heard but as soon as you cracked open an eye it stopped.

Third time can't be a coincidence

You closed your eyes once more and for a few seconds there was nothing, then there was the scuffling sound again. You snapped open your eyes.
"Aha!" You looked around and didn't see anything, making you pout.
"Ok come on out! I know you're there!" In hindsight this probably wasn't the best idea but you weren't in your best shape. You heard the scuffle again and two eyes appeared from the sand.
"What the-" the sand began to shift and the eyes rose up, showing a oval, flat-centipede-like creature with a lot of spikes surrounding it and making it seem like it's fur. It scurried from one side to the other as it's eyes moved to look at you.


"Just me. Looks like we're all there is...whatever you are" it approached you hesitantly and you held out your hand, it sniffed it before climbing up your arm, making you giggle at the ticklish feeling.

"Pip?" It stared at you curiously.
"Sorry it tickles"
"Pip?" The creature stared at a bare part of the ship.

"Yeah that's broken, the part and some of the wires is somewhere that way-oh going already?" You gestured your thumb in the direction of first contact to where you were now. Your stomach growled and you cringed, remembering that you didn't have sustenance for awhile. The creature climbed off of you and turned around to face you at it's question.

"Pip!" It easily buried itself in the sand and left.
"I don't think it understood me...for all I know my stomach growling scared it off..." you muttered.

"I'm such an idiot, not eating before a mission and charging recklessly into battle without much of a strategy and my only goal to destroy Galra ships. Altea taught me better." You muttered as you rubbed your face. You heard another scuffle in the sand and the same eyes popped up.
"Pip!" The creature got out of the sand again, some of the parts you were missing were dragging behind it, being held by the spikes.

" got my stuff..."
"Pip!" The spines on it's back opened up, showing some kind of fruit.

"Hey, where'd you get this..."

"Pip! Pip! Pip pip!" It scuttled towards you, as if insisting for you to take one.

"Um...alright...I guess I could try it..." you smiled at the creature as you took one of the fruits. The spines snapped up again as it continued to drag around the panel and wires as it climbed the ship.

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